Ord. No. Date Description
103-1964 7-27-64 Purchase of Anna Rossler lease to a residence on Coy Rd.
8-1970 1-12-70 To Earl Warnke for 23 acres adjacent to facilities of Water Division for 3 years with renewal option of 5 years.
114-1970 7-27-70 12.5 acres to Howard Norden for 1 year with annual renewal option.
165-1970 10-26-70 With Board of Education for holding bond adjacent to Fassett Jr. High School.
234-1974 12-23-74 To Earl Warnke for 23 acres on North Curtice Rd. in Jerusalem Twp. adjacent to facilities of Water Division.
51-1976 4-12-76 Approves lease of 4.56 acres of submerged land from State to Robert Lloyd for dyke construction.
110-1978 6-12-78 With the Standard Oil Co. for an eighty-acre parcel on DuPont Rd.
129-1985 3-11-85 With Standard Oil Co. for an eighty-acre parcel on DuPont Rd.
159-1985 11-11-85 With Board of Education to lease a portion of Clay Elementary School for use by the Recreation Department.
153-1986 12-22-86 Authorizes agreement with WTVG, Inc. to lease part of its tower to install an antenna for Fire Department use.
175-1988 10-24-88 Authorizes lease of portion of Clay Elementary School for use by the Recreation Department for 3 years from 11-1-88 to 10-31-91.
62-1990 4-9-90 Directs lease with P. Soltesz for 16 acres not needed by the City.
43-1995 3-13-95 Authorizes lease agreement for Clay High School Health/Exercise Facility (north gym) to Fire Dept. employees.
72-1995 4-25-95 Authorizes lease with Univ. of Toledo for property on north side of Bayshore Rd. to allow proposed Lake Erie Soil and Water Research and Education Center access to Lake Erie.
79-1995 5-8-95 Authorizes lease with Oregon Senior Center, Inc.
127-1995 7-10-95 Authorizes lease of portion of Clay Elementary School for use by Recreation Dept.
63-1996 4-8-96 Authorizes lease with Bd. of Education of Clay High School Health/Exercise Facility in North Gym for Police and Fire Department employees.
176-1997 8-11-97 Authorizes lease with Toledo Edison Co. of property at 4925 Bayshore rd. for recreational use, a boat ramp, sanitary facilities and parking.
165-2003 10-13-03 Authorizes lease with Geo. Gradel Co. at 957 Front St., Toledo for dock space/storage area for rock salt for 10 yrs., with renewal option for another 10 yrs.
064-2012 5-21-12 Authorizes a Land Lease Agreement with New Par, a Delaware Partnership, D.B.A. Verizon Wireless, One Verizon Way, for the lease of a portion of City owned property located at 7150 Cedar Point Road for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing and operating a communications facility.
126-2012 12-10-12 Amending Ordinance 64-2012 to revise the location of a communications facility to be constructed by New Par, a Delaware Partnership, D.B.A. Verizon Wireless.
112-2013 9-23-13 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a land lease agreement with the University of Toledo for a portion of property located at 7215 Corduroy Road for the Wolf Creek Riparian Corridor Restoration and Sedimentation Pond Project.
050-2019 4-22-19 Authorizes a lease/purchase agreement with AMJB LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, C/O Lee & Associates, for the former Kmart property located at 2830 Navarre Avenue.
123-2022 7-25-22 Authorizes a lease agreement with Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater Toledo. For the purpose of establishing a Dog Park located 2960 Pickle Road.
150-2024 8-26-24 Amends Ord. 050-2019.