When and if any driveway is no longer used for driveway purposes, it shall be considered abandoned and the City reserves and shall have the right to forthwith take the necessary steps to close such driveway, replace the curb and restore the pavement and/or surface of the right of way to its original condition. The owner of the property served by such driveway shall be notified by personal service or registered mail, of the City’s intention to close the driveway. After fifteen days from date of the notice, if the owner has failed to make the replacement or to make arrangements therefor satisfactory to the Director of Public Service, the Director shall proceed with the work of restoring the curb and pavement and/or surface of the right of way to its original condition. The cost of such work shall be charged against the abutting property and if not paid, shall be certified to the proper taxing authority for collection in such manner as provided by law.      
(Ord. 110-1959. Passed 11-9-59.)