§ 53.13 SEWER RATES.
   There shall be established the following rates and charges for the use of the water system of the village, based upon the amount of water consumed as follows.
   (A)   Sewer rates inside village.
      (1)   Minimum charge per user per month: $39.
      (2)   Usage charge per 1,000 gallons per month: $2.32 per each additional thousand gallons, pro-rated to actual usage.
   (B)   Annual increase. There will be a 3% annual increase in the sewer usage charge, effective July 1, 2021 and July 1 of each year thereafter.
(Ord. 2014/05/230-1, passed 5-20-2014; Ord. 2021/01-19-02, passed 1-19-2021)