(A)   Except as provided in division (B) below, the area and height regulations shall be as follows.
      (1)   Area. Every lot used for a single-family dwelling shall have a minimum area of 11,200 square feet. Every lot used for a two-family dwelling shall have a minimum lot area of 14,000 square feet. Every lot used for a multiple dwelling shall have a minimum lot area of 4,000 square feet per dwelling unit, but no lot used for a multiple dwelling shall have a minimum lot area of less than 14,000 square feet. No minimum is required for a lot used only for commercial or industrial purposes.
      (2)   Yards.
         (a)   The front yard requirements are 25 feet in the “A-1” Single-Family Residence District, the “A-2” Two-Family Residence District, “A-3” Multiple Dwelling District, the “B” Commercial Service District and the “C” Industrial District.
         (b)   The side yard requirements for dwellings shall be a minimum of ten feet. No side yard is required for business, commercial or industrial buildings, except along the side of a lot abutting a lot in a “A” District in which case a side yard of 25 feet shall be provided.
         (c)   The rear yard requirements for dwellings shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
         (d)   A rear yard of at least two feet shall be required for business, commercial or industrial buildings, except on a lot abutting a lot in an “A” District in which case a rear yard of 25 feet shall be provided.
      (3)   Minimum width. Every lot used for a dwelling shall have a minimum width of 80 feet.
      (4)   Building height. No building shall exceed a height of two and one-half stories or a height of 35 feet in the “A-1” Single-Family Residence District, the “A-2” Two-Family Residence District, the “A-3” Multiple Dwelling District or the “B” Commercial Service District, or a height of three stories, or 45 feet, in a “C” Industrial District.
      (5)   No requirements. There shall be no requirements as to area, yards, lot width or building height in the “D” Agricultural District; except that, where said district abuts an “A” District, no building other than a dwelling shall be constructed within 50 feet of said district boundary.
      (6)   Variance. When the owner or owners of a single-family residence within an “A-1” District desire to construct an addition to the existing principal structure, and the side and rear yard setback of the addition are to be identical to the current side yard and rear yard setbacks of the existing principle structure, a variance shall not be required as long as all other requirements of this chapter are met.
   (B)   The height and area regulations specified in the foregoing section shall be modified under certain conditions or with respect to certain types of structures as specified below.
      (1)   Lot area and width. Where a lot of record at the time of the passage of this chapter has less area or width than herein required, and the owner of such a lot does not own any other parcel or tract adjacent thereto, said lot may nonetheless be used for a single-family dwelling.
      (2)   Front yard.
         (a)   Where 30% or more of a block front is improved with buildings, then no part of any new building shall project beyond a line joining the two adjacent corners of the buildings on either side thereof, or where there is a building on only one side, beyond a line projected from the corresponding adjacent corners of the two nearest buildings; except that, no building shall be required to provide a front yard greater than 50 feet in any event.
         (b)   A corner lot shall have a yard on each street which meets the front yard requirements of the district in which it is located; except that, the building width of the lot shall not be reduced to less than 40 feet, and no accessory building shall project beyond the required yard on either street.
      (3)   Side yard. For the purpose of the side yard regulations, a building containing more than one dwelling unit shall be considered as one building occupying one lot.
      (4)   Rear yard. The required rear yard may be reduced to 20% of the depth of the lot on a lot of record which does not have a depth of at least 120 feet. An accessory building may be built within a required rear yard when located at least five feet from the rear and side lot lines and when occupying not more than 30% of the area of such required rear yard.
      (5)   All yards. The ordinary projection of sills, belt courses, cornices, eaves and ornamental features may be permitted not to exceed 24 inches in any required minimum side yard. An open, uncovered porch, paved terrace, entrance way or steps, may extend not more than ten feet into the required minimum front yard.
      (6)   Height. Chimneys, cooling towers or water towers, elevators, bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, stacks, stage towers, tanks, spires, church steeples, radio towers or necessary mechanical apparatus may be erected to any safe height not in conflict with any other ordinance of the village. Public, semi-public or public service buildings, hospitals, institutions, churches and schools, when permitted in a district, may be erected to a height not exceeding 60 feet; provided, all required yards are increased by one foot for each foot of building height above the height limit otherwise provided.
(Ord. 68, passed - -; Ord. 152, passed - -; Ord. 2011-02-21-2, passed 2-21-2012)