General Provisions
37.01 Corporate rate
37.02 Police tax
37.03 Audit tax
37.04 FICA tax
37.05 IMRF tax
37.06 General liability
37.07 School crossing guard tax
Taxpayers’ Rights Code
37.20 Title
37.21 Scope
37.22 Definitions
37.23 Notices
37.24 Late payment
37.25 Payment
37.26 Certain credits and refunds
37.27 Audit procedure
37.28 Appeal
37.29 Hearing
37.30 Interest and penalties
37.31 Abatement
37.32 Installment contracts
37.33 Statute of limitations
37.34 Voluntary disclosure
37.35 Publication of tax ordinances
37.36 Tax liens
37.37 Application
Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee
37.50 Definitions
37.51 Registration of telecommunications providers
37.52 Fee imposed
37.53 Collection, enforcement and administration
37.54 Compliance with other laws
37.55 Existing franchises and licenses
37.56 Violations
37.57 Enforcement
37.58 Waiver and fee implementation
Finance and Revenue, see Ch. 36