(A)   Requests calling for all records falling within a category shall be complied with unless compliance with the request would be unduly burdensome for the village, there is no method of narrowing the request, and the burden on the village strongly outweighs the public interest in the information. If the village responds to a categorical request by stating that compliance would unduly burden its operation, it shall do so in a writing signed by the Clerk specifying the reasons why it would be unduly burdensome and the extent to which compliance will so burden the operation of the village.
   (B)   After receipt of this response in writing, the person making the request shall have an opportunity to reduce the request to manageable proportions. If the person making the request fails to reduce the request to manageable proportions, the response of the village shall be treated as a denial of the request information.
(2007 Code, § 15-1-9)