1381.06 STANDARDS.
   The Commission shall consider, and the applicant shall demonstrate, compliance with the following standards in determining whether to approve an application for a wireless communication tower:
   (a)   There is no technically suitable space reasonably available on an existing tower or structure within the geographic area to be served. With the permit application, the applicant shall list the location of every tower, building or structure that could support the proposed antenna so as to allow it to serve its intended function. The applicant must demonstrate that a technically suitable location is not reasonably available on an existing tower, building or structure. If another communication tower is technically suitable, the applicant must show that it has requested to co-locate on the existing tower and the co-location request was rejected by the owner of the tower. If another communication tower is technically suitable, the applicant must further show that it has offered to allow the owner of that other tower to co-locate an antenna on another tower within the Village owned by the applicant on reciprocal terms and the offer was not accepted. In all cases, the Village shall use its best efforts to encourage co-location.
   (b)   Poles, towers, equipment structures and antenna placement shall meet the minimum yard setback requirements as set forth in the Zoning Code for the Zoning District in which the antenna and/or tower is proposed to be located and all lot area requirements for that Zoning District.
   (c)   Screen fencing shall be provided for aesthetic and public safety reasons. A fence at least six feet in height will be erected completely around the communication tower and any related support facilities. Barbed wire at the top of the fence is permitted.
   (d)   Towers and antenna shall be designed to withstand wind gusts of at least 100 miles an hour.
   (e)   A landscaped buffer area of not less than ten feet in depth shall be placed between the wireless communication facilities and the public rights-of-way, residential Zoning Districts and any adjacent residential uses. The ten-foot landscape buffer shall consist of a tight screen fence of hardy evergreen shrubbery not less than six feet in height. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained and promptly restored, if necessary.
   (f)   Outdoor storage of any supplies, vehicles or equipment related to the use of the facility is prohibited.
   (g)   Except as required by law, an antenna or a tower shall not be illuminated and lighting fixtures or signs shall not be attached to the antenna or tower. If lighting is required by FAA regulations, white strobe lights shall not be permitted at night unless no other less bothersome, annoying and disturbing alternative is permitted by the FAA. Lighting for security purposes shall be permitted at the wireless telecommunication facility with a prior approval of the Commission and Council.
   (h)   The applicant must provide written certification from a registered engineer that the antenna and/or tower are to be constructed in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations pertaining to the construction.
   (i)   A proposed new tower in an non-residential district shall not be located within 1,000 feet from any residential zoning district, or from any residentially used property.
   (j)   There shall be a separation of at least one quarter mile between new wireless communications towers. The Commission may waive this requirement for wireless communication towers associated with or within existing structures such as electrical high-tension towers.
   (k)   No advertising shall be permitted on the wireless telecommunication facility.
(Ord. 1997-19. Passed 3-26-97.)