(a)   Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the development site, the Administrator shall inspect the site for the purpose of certifying compliance with the requirements of the tree approval. Posting surety in lieu of actual compliance may be permitted. Such notice and replanting shall not take place until the next tree planting season.
   (b)   If the required tree approval conditions have not been met within the life of the surety and provided the Administrator has not granted a written extension, the Village shall use the surety to insure that these conditions are met.
   (c)   After development is complete, the Administrator shall continue to make random inspections to insure that required trees are maintained. Replacement shall be required within sixty days of notice by the Administrator should any of these trees die, be removed, or be destroyed at any time after completion of development.
(Ord. 1990-41. Passed 8-14-91.)