(a)   With respect to developments, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, supplemental and replacement trees shall be planted consistent with the requirements of the tree approval unless otherwise agreed to by the Administrator.
   (b)   All replanted trees shall be at least ten feet tall or have a trunk of not less than two caliper inches when planted for Categories I-II and at least six feet tall or have a trunk not less than one caliper inch when planted for Categories III-IV. (See Appendix A for categories.)
   (c)   In that it is desirable that replanting of trees be compatible with the site and with neighboring sites, and that native trees are preferred to naturalized, the replanting shall be in the same category as those removed or higher. Endangered species may not be removed, and every effort must be made to save them.
(Ord. 1990-41. Passed 8-14-91.)