For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   (a)   “Administrator” means the Village official designated by the Mayor as his/her designee to be responsible for administrating the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   “Caliper inches” means quantity in inches of the diameter of trees measure at the height of four and one-half (4.5) feet above the grade.
   (c)   “Category” means classification of species of trees.
   (d)   “Conifer tree” means any tree with needle leaves and a woody cone fruit.
   (e)   “Deciduous” means those trees that shed their leaves in the fall or winter.
   (f)   “Endangered species” means those trees that are under the protection of State and/or Federal law.
   (g)   “Evergreen” means those trees, including broad-leaf and conifer evergreens, that maintain their leaves year-round.
   (h)   “Lot building area” means area of a lot encompassed by front, sides, and rear yard setbacks or building line as required by the Village Zoning Code.
(Ord. 1990-41. Passed 8-14-91.)
   (i)   “Non-development activity” means any alteration of the natural environment which does not require development plan approval, but which would include the proposed removal and destruction of any trees, including but not limited to the removal from any single family lot, which is separately deeded and upon which a residence is located and used for residential purposes, in any one calendar year of more than six (6) trees which are six (6) Caliper inches or more.
(Ord. 2006-4. Passed 3-8-06.)
   (j)   “Overstory” means those trees that compose the top layer or canopy of vegetation.
   (k)   “Pervious surface” means all that area of land that can be landscaped or planted, allows natural passage through by water, and is not covered by man-made materials or structures such as buildings or paving.
   (l)   “Replacement planting” means the planting of trees on a site that before development had more trees, and after development shall have fewer trees per acre of pervious surface.
   (m)   “Tree” means any living, self-supporting woody or fibrous plant which is a conifer, evergreen, deciduous or ornamental, as defined herein
   (n)   “Tree protection zone” means the area around a tree corresponding the drip line or one foot away from each tree for each inch of trunk diameter, at the discretion of the Administrator.
   (o)   “Tree removal area” means the area on site where trees are permitted to be removed for construction of buildings, access roads, parking areas, canopies, patios, decks, sidewalks, utility installation, water retention and similar necessary development needs. However, some tree replacement may be required.
   (p)   “Tree equivalence table” means the categories of trees showing importance, visual buffering, growth characteristics, native species, and aesthetics.
   (q)   “Understory” means those trees that grow beneath the overstory.
   (r)   “Zoning districts” mean districts as defined in the Village Zoning Code and shown on the Zoning Map of Orange Village.
(Ord. 1990-41. Passed 8-14-91.)