The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public health, safety and welfare by establishing standards and criteria for the construction, installation, maintenance and operation of signs. It is the further purpose to provide for the removal of those signs that do not comply with these regulations. More specifically, this chapter is intended to:
   (a)   Protect property values.
   (b)   Promote clarity in sign communications while providing reasonable and appropriate opportunities to advertise goods and services and to identify properties.
   (c)   Promote harmony between and among the physical characteristics of signs and the physical characteristics of surrounding land, structures, and other development features.
   (d)   Promote attractive and orderly appearance in all districts.
   (e)   Ensure that signs are located and designed to minimize sign clutter and the distractions and confusion that may be contributing factors in traffic congestion and accidents, and maintain a safe and orderly pedestrian and vehicular environment.
   (f)   Provide review procedures that assure that signs are consistent with Village objectives.
   (g)   Prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this chapter.
   (h)   Assure that the provisions of this Chapter do not infringe on the rights of free speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, §11 of the Ohio Constitution. All sections in this chapter are to be construed to protect the rights of residents and visitors to speak freely. All provisions of this chapter shall be interpreted in a content-neutral manner excepting those narrow, legally-recognized exceptions explicitly identified in this chapter.
      (Ord. 2016-24. Passed 2-8-17.)