(a) In a U-1A District, the area of a dwelling unit shall be the sum of the floor areas above the basement level, including those rooms and closets having a minimum ceiling height of seven (7) feet and having natural light and ventilation as required by the Building and Housing Code. Rooms above the first floor may be included in the total floor area if they are directly connected by permanent stairs and a hall, and spaces under pitched roofs having a minimum knee wall height of four (4) feet may be included in the total floor area if two-thirds (2/3) of the room area has a minimum ceiling height of seven (7) feet six (6) inches. In the case of a split-level dwelling, the floor area of the lowest floor shall be included in the total floor area if sixty percent (60%) of the room height is above grade. Floor area shall be measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls at the first floor line and the exterior faces of the walls of those rooms which may be included under a pitched roof for a one-family dwelling.
(b) The minimum total floor area of a one-family dwelling shall be 2,200 square feet.
(c) The minimum first floor area of any dwelling shall be 1,400 square feet.
(Ord. 2004-8. Passed 6-9-04.)