(a)   Height of Buildings. In a U-1 District no building height shall exceed thirty-five feet (35'). The maximum height of any accessory building shall be eighteen feet (18'). A place of worship or municipal building, however, may have a building height not to exceed fifty feet (50'), if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (b)   Height of Towers. Structures used for the purpose of transmitting or receiving electromagnetic signals may be erected to a height of fifty feet (50'), where located separate from the building, or fifteen feet (15') above the rooftop, if mounted on the building, provided that all such structures shall be located a distance of at least its height away from any property line.
      (1)   Structures erected under favor of this section shall be placed at or behind the building line of the property where located.
      (2)   Council hereby finds and determines that the height limitation provided in this section is fair and reasonable based upon local conditions and the requirements imposed by the Federal Communications Commission.
         (Ord. 2007-17. Passed 8-8-07.)