(a)   No person shall bring into, consume or possess any alcoholic beverages in a Municipal Facility.
   (b)   Exception: The prohibition contained within subsection (a) hereof shall not apply when consumption and possession occurs within a preauthorized area that has been reserved by a Village resident or employee to the exclusion of the general public as evidenced by the issuance of an Official Village Permit and an off-duty Village police officer is present. All expenses associated with the presence of an off-duty Village police officer are the responsibility of the Village resident or employee reserving the Municipal Facility, and off-duty Village police officer services must be pre-approved by the Chief of Police.
   (c)   No person shall bring into, consume or possess any unlawful drugs in a Municipal Facility.
   (d)   No person shall enter or be in a Municipal Facility while under the influence of drugs or intoxicating beverages. (Ord. 2009-17. Passed 10-14-09.)