(A)   The following order of business shall be followed at Town Council meetings:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Roll call;
      (3)   Minutes (if kept). The Clerk-Treasurer may read the minutes of the preceding Council meeting. The presiding officer asks for corrections and approval. In practice, the Clerk-Treasurer in many cities and towns provides advance copies of the previous meeting’s minutes so that they need not be read in full;
      (4)   Petitions or comments by those citizens present. Time limits for such presentations by each individual person may be desired;
      (5)   Reports from committees and officers. Chairs or individual department heads may be asked to report on the activities of their respective committees or departments;
      (6)   Unfinished business. The Town Council may wish to consider any business which has been previously considered and is still unfinished;
      (7)   New business. Introduction of new ordinances and resolutions and any other matters before the Town Council may be considered;
      (8)   Claims. The disbursing officer may present any claims against the city or town for the approval or disapproval of the Town Council;
      (9)   Miscellaneous business. Any matters not already considered by the Town Council may be considered; and
      (10)   Adjournment.
(1996 Code, § 3-12)
   (B)   The most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order, as amended, shall govern all meetings of the Town Council, unless ordinance or statute provide otherwise.
(1996 Code, § 3-13)
Statutory reference:
   Home rule, see I.C. 36-1-3-1 through 36-1-3-9