(a) An application for a service connection must be made on a form furnished by the City. The applicant shall provide the City with the anticipated recycled water demand (maximum gallons per minute) and shall specify the size of the water meter that is desired; however, the City reserves the right to determine the ultimate size of the service connection and meter. The applicant shall also specify the property to be served. The information supplied by the applicant shall be considered as authoritative and final. If any error in such application shall cause installation of a service connection that is improper, either in size or location, the cost of all changes required shall be borne by the applicant. The steps for obtaining recycled water service are as follows:
(1) The applicant completes and submits a recycled water service application, including existing facility "as-built" drawings or proposed facility plans as appropriate, description of where and how recycled water use is proposed, and any other information pertinent to the use of recycled water as requested by the Administrator.
(2) An engineering report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer registered in California and experienced in the field of wastewater treatment, and submitted to the State Board for approval. The City or Inland Empire Utilities Agency may prepare the report on behalf of the user, provided that the user pays all costs associated with the preparation of the report. The engineering report shall be consistent with State Board guidelines. Pursuant to the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria under Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, the engineering report shall include:
(i) A description of the design of the proposed reclamation system.
(ii) A means for compliance with Title 22 regulations and any other features specified by the State Board.
(iii) A contingency plan which will assure that no untreated or inadequately treated wastewater will be delivered to the use area.
(3) The City shall forward the completed engineering report to the State Board for review and approval.
(4) The user and the City will address any concerns that the State Board may have regarding the engineering report and revise the report accordingly.
(5) Upon the State Board's approval of the engineering report, the user may enter into a recycled water use agreement with the City. The user must enter into the agreement to begin recycled water service and pay any applicable fees.
(6) The Administrator will schedule a start-up test of the onsite recycled water system to ensure that cross-connections do not exist.
(7) Upon the successful completion of the test, the Administrator may authorize recycled water service to begin.
(§ 1, Ord. 2689, eff. June 17, 1999, as amended by § 2, Ord. 3197, eff. January 7, 2022)