(a) Purpose of fire hydrants. Fire hydrants are provided for the sole purpose of extinguishing fires, and are to be opened and used only by the Fire Department and Municipal Utilities Company, or such other persons as are specifically authorized by the Municipal Utilities Company. To insure safety of fire hydrants for fire protection, any person or persons authorized by the Municipal Utilities Company to open fire hydrants shall be required to use only an approved spanner wrench, and to replace the caps on outlets when the same are not in use. Failure to meet this requirement shall be sufficient cause to prohibit further use of the hydrants, and the refusal of subsequent authorization for use of the fire hydrants. Damage caused by the failure to comply with the above shall be repaired at the expense of the person(s) authorized.
(b) Unlawful to take water without permit. It is unlawful for any person to take any water from any fire hydrant without a written permit, furnished upon application to the Municipal Utilities Company. Said application shall include a monthly permit fee and deposit equal to the replacement value of meter and backflow valve. Any person taking water from a hydrant without a permit shall be assumed to have taken water in the value of at least One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and shall be charged for said amount.
(§ 6, Ord. 2785, eff. November 16, 2003, as amended by § 8, Ord. 2946, eff. January 6, 2012)