(a)    Permit Required. Unless otherwise exempted under this chapter, no person, firm, or corporation shall erect, enlarge, or structurally alter any sign within the City without first obtaining a sign permit from the Ontario Zoning Inspector. No permit is required for a change in an existing sign that does not increase its size or involve a change in its structural nature (ie, design, construction, maintenance).
      (1)    When an existing business is updating their signage to anything larger than what is currently installed they will only have to pay for a new sign permit and the difference in square footage area of the new sign.
      (2)    There will not be any refunds from the city for any existing signs going from current size to a smaller square footage area.
         (Ord. 16-37. Passed 12-7-16.)
   (b)    Permit Form. The Zoning Inspector shall provide application forms for a sign permit which, when approved, shall become the sign permit. A separate application shall be required for each sign where multiple signs are to be constructed on the same lot. The following information shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector:
      (1)   Name and address of the owner of the property where the sign is to be erected. (Ord. 08-18. Passed 5-15-08.)
          (2)   A description of the sign including the materials used in its construction, its size and height. (Ord.15-22. Passed 7-2-15.)
      (3)   Two copies of a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of the sign on the lot and/or building, an elevation view of the height and area dimensions of the sign, as well as the location of buildings, parking lots, driveways, landscape areas, existing signs and other appurtenances on the lot.
      (4)   Pole and ground sign submittals shall include two copies of signed and stamped engineered drawings.
      (5)   Post and panel signs of less than 32 sq. ft and 6 ft. in height shall include two copies of scaled drawings, including the design of its foundation.
      (6)   Wall signs shall include two copies of scaled drawings indicating the method of attachment.
      (7)   The submittal shall be accompanied by the sign plan application fee established by City Council and on file in the Zoning Inspector’s Office.
   (c)    Sign Erector License Required. 
      (1)   No person, partnership, or corporation shall erect, enlarge, or structurally alter any sign within the City that contains
         A.   Any electrical connection
         B.   Is ten or more feet off the ground when completed
         C.   Is larger than twenty five sq. ft. without a sign erector’s license issued in accordance with the requirements in subsection (c)(2) hereof.
      (2)   A sign erector must obtain a license by filing an application with the City Zoning Inspector that contains the following information and fee:
         A.   Name, address, and phone number of sign erector. Description of the types of signs that are to be erected. Evidence that the sign erector has general liability insurance in effect, providing coverage for wrongful death and bodily injury in an aggregate amount of not less than $500,000.
         B.   Payment of a fee as provided for in Ordinance 01-05, passed December 6, 2001 and on file in the Zoning Inspector’s Office.
      (3)   Upon determination by the Zoning Inspector that a sign erector has met the requirements of this section, a sign erector’s license shall be approved and issued to the applicant.
      (4)   Upon determination by the Zoning Inspector and City Engineer that the proposed sign is in compliance with the provision of this section and payment of fees, a sign permit shall be issued.
   (d)    Permit Fees. The Zoning Inspector shall collect sign permit fees in advance of issuing a permit and shall deposit them with the City Treasurer. The schedule of fees established by City Council Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Zoning Inspector.
   (e)    Appeal Procedure. Whenever the Zoning Inspector is unable to approve an erector license or issue a sign permit under the provisions of this chapter, or the applicant disputes the calculation of the fee, the applicant may appeal or, if applicable, seek a variance, from the Planning Commission within 10 days of the notice of any such determinations.
(Ord. 08-18. Passed 5-15-08.)