(a) A site plan shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission for:
(1) Any use or development for which submission of a site plan is required by any provision of this Ordinance.
(3) All public or quasi-public land uses permitted in R Residential Districts such as, but not limited to: churches, schools, and public utilities and facilities.
(b) The Zoning Inspector may refuse to accept any proposed site plan upon the determination that it is inaccurate, illegible, or not in compliance with the requirements of this section.
(c) Preliminary Development Plan Requirements.
(1) Pre-application conference. A pre-application conference is intended to provide the applicant an opportunity to submit a concept plan showing the basic scope, character and nature of a proposed project without incurring undue cost while allowing the City Staff input in the formative stages of design. The conference is not mandatory; however the applicant is encouraged to present a concept plan for informal review by the City Staff. Neither the applicant nor the City Staff shall be bound by any aspect of a concept plan and no discussions, opinions, suggestions, nor recommendations of the City Staff shall be relied upon by the applicant to indicate subsequent approval or disapproval.
(2) All multifamily, commercial and industrial projects for which submission of a site plan is required by any provision of this Ordinance shall be required to submit a preliminary site plan for review by the Planning Commission with the following exceptions:
A. Projects which, in the absence of any variance, or conditional zoning requirement, involve only minor alterations or additions of less than 15% of the total site area to the exterior of any existing structure, facility or other development feature, i.e. parking, greenbelt, storm water, etc.
B. Sign variances requested involving existing facilities or other projects which have previously been approved by the Commission.
(3) Plan review application form. This application form shall contain general information about the name and location of the proposed development as well as the principals involved. The application and filing fees are due at the time of submittal.
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(4) Content. Every preliminary site plan except “R-1" Low Density Residential shall be prepared by a qualified professional drawn at a minimum scale of one inch (1") equals twenty feet (20') and shall contain the following information:
(Ord. 15-22. Passed 7-2-15.)
(Ord. 15-22. Passed 7-2-15.)
A. Title sheet and general notes.
B. Existing conditions plan:
1. Location map, scale and north arrow.
2. Property layout (survey markers).
3. Existing conditions: land use, buildings, zoning, contours and/or spot elevations, watercourses, wooded areas, wetlands.
4. Total site area.
C. Site dimension plan:
1. Layout and dimensions of all streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking areas and activity areas including existing driveways and cross streets located within 500 feet of the site.
2. Dimensions of all setbacks and easement areas.
3. Location and description of all greenbelts, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage.
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
D. Preliminary site plan:
1. Phasing schedule.
2. Location of all utility lines, manholes and fire hydrants.
3. Location of paved areas.
4. Location of proposed traffic signals.
5. Location of garbage receptacles/dumpster enclosures.
6. Storm water management plan intensions.
7. Fire department access roads: Fire department access roads ("same as fire lane") shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet, exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with rule 5 section 503 of the local fire code, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Any proposed change must be approved by the local fire marshal. Other access roads connected to the fire department access road can be as narrow as 20 feet in width but must be approved by the local fire chief or his/her designee during plan review.
8. Curbing: All type 3, 3-a, 3-b curbing (soft curbing), shall be used for access and egress locations. Islands and open areas within parking areas must be viewed and approved by the local fire chief or his/her designee.
9. Address labeling: All strip malls, plaza's, and row of stores must have approved address labeling on the main front door of each suite. Labeling shall consist of 6" tall x 3" wide x 3/4" thick in size, typically above the door and white in color if the door is glass. Contact the local fire chief or his/her designee for approved labeling if the door is not glass.
(Ord. 16-37. Passed 12-7-16.)
(Ord. 16-37. Passed 12-7-16.)
E. Architectural plan: Exterior building elevations and floor plans. If exterior elevations are not available, reasonable graphic representations may be submitted.
F. Multi-family developments: Include the proposed floor areas per dwelling unit, number of dwelling units, density and the number of stories per building. (Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(d) Final Development Plan Review Requirements. After the preliminary development plan has been reviewed by the City Zoning Inspector, City Engineer or Planning Commission, the applicant may proceed with the submission of a final development plan in accordance with the City Zoning Inspector and City Engineer or Planning Commission recommendations and the following requirements: (Ord. 15-22. Passed 7-2-15.)
(1) Plan review application form. This application form shall contain general information about the name and location of the proposed development as well as the principals involved. The application and filing fees are due at the time of submittal.
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(2) Content. Every final site plan except “R-1" Low Density Residential shall be prepared by a qualified professional unless the changes involve only minor alterations or additions of less than 15% of the total site area to the exterior of any existing structure, facility or other development feature, i.e. parking, greenbelt, storm water, accessory buildings etc., drawn at minimum scale of one inch (1") equals twenty feet (20') and shall contain the following information:
(Ord. 15-22. Passed 7-2-15.)
A. Title sheet and general notes:
1. Name, address and telephone number of applicant/owner/developer.
2. Project title.
3. Signature blocks: Required for storm system maintenance/ sanitary connection(s)/ water system connection(s).
B. Existing conditions plan.
C. Site dimension plan:
1. Layout and dimensions of all streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking areas and activity areas including existing driveways and cross streets located within 500 feet of the site.
2. Dimensions of all setbacks and easement areas.
3. Parking space dimensions.
4. Location and dimensions of all greenbelts, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage.
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
D. Site plan:
1. Phasing schedule.
2. Location of all utility lines, manholes and fire hydrants.
3. Location and dimensions of all greenbelts, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage.
4. Location of paved areas.
5. Pavement details.
6. Location of proposed traffic signals.
7. Location of garbage receptacles/dumpster enclosure.
8. Proposed grading (contours and/or spot elevations).
9. Covenants, easements or other restrictions to be imposed on the site.
10. Fire department access roads: Fire department access roads ("same as fire lane") shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet, exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with rule 5 section 503 of the local fire code, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Any proposed change must be approved by the local fire marshal. Other access roads connected to the fire department access road can be as narrow as 20 feet in width but must be approved by the local fire chief or his/her designee during plan review.
11. Curbing: All type 3, 3-a, 3-b curbing (soft curbing), shall be used for access and egress locations. Islands and open areas within parking areas must be viewed and approved by the local fire chief or his/her designee.
12. Address labeling: All strip malls, plaza's, and row of stores must have approved address labeling on the main front door of each suite. Labeling shall consist of 6" tall x 3" wide x 3/4" thick in size, typically above the door and white in color if the door is glass. Contact the local fire chief or his/her designee for approved labeling if the door is not glass.
(Ord. 16-37. Passed 12-7-16.)
(Ord. 16-37. Passed 12-7-16.)
E. Utility plan: Public or private main extensions (required):
1. Location and dimensions of all utility lines, manholes and hydrants.
2. Ohio EPA documentation.
3. Plan and profile sheets.
4. Testing requirements and specifications.
5. Easement areas.
F. Storm water pollution prevention plan:
1. Location and details of storm water management facilities.
2. Schedule of inspection for sediment control features.
3. Fueling and construction debris areas depicted and specifications for assurance of water quality.
4. Calculations by qualified professional - signed (separate from plan sheets).
5. Storm water application/permit form accompanied by application fee.
6. Storm water performance bond form.
G. Landscape plan:
1. Photometric plan.
2. Lighting details and specifications i.e. shielding, timers, etc.
I. Architectural plan: Exterior building elevations and floor plans.
J. Multi-family developments: Include the proposed floor areas per dwelling unit, number of dwelling units, density and the number of stories per building.
K. The signature block on the final site plan shall contain the following statement: "Upon the issuance of a zoning permit certificate by the City of Ontario, this site plan shall be binding upon the applicant, the applicant's successors and assigns. The issuance of a zoning certificate shall also restrict and limit the construction, location, use, occupancy and operation of all land and structures and limitations set forth herein. Withdrawal or amendment of this site plan may be permitted only in accordance with the City of Ontario Zoning Ordinance. This document represents the entire understanding between the applicant and the City of Ontario with regard to development rights."
(3) Approval deadline.
A. Upon receiving Planning Commission approval for any site plan, variance or other required approval, construction shall begin within twelve (12) months of the approval date.
B. Upon receiving Planning Commission approval for any site plan, variance or other required approval, the developer shall make application for all necessary permits within six (6) months of the approval date.
C. In the event the developer fails to submit the required applications or begin construction within the allotted time periods, all Planning Commission approvals granted for the project shall be rescinded and the developer shall be required to begin the review process again.
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(e) Planning Commission Action.
(1) Attendance required. It shall be mandatory that the applicant or his agent be in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting. The City Planning Commission meets at 5:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month.
(Ord. 16-15. Passed 6-16-16.)
(2) Submittal deadline. In order to be scheduled on the agenda for a Planning Commission meeting, plans shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector no later than the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month prior to the date of the meeting at which the applicant desires to appear before the Planning Commission.
(3) The Planning Commission may take action on the proposed site plan at the meeting. Site plan approval may be granted by the Planning Commission subject to the review and approval of all detailed construction plans and drawings by the City Engineer.
(4) The site plan shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and Zoning Inspector for compliance with the standards of this Ordinance.
(5) In reviewing the site plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the following:
A. The location and design of driveways providing vehicular ingress and egress from the site, in relation to streets providing access to the site, and in relation to pedestrian traffic.
B. The traffic circulation features on the site and the location of automobile parking lots; and may impose such requirements that will assure:
1. Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic both on site and in relation to access streets.
2. Satisfactory and harmonious relationships between the development of the site and existing and proposed development of contiguous land and adjacent properties.
3. Limiting the amount of development intrusion that may occur to the natural resource base of the site.
C. The Planning Commission may further require landscaping or fences to accomplish these objectives and require their maintenance as a condition of the establishment of any use to which they are appurtenant.
D. In those instances where the Planning Commission finds that an excessive number of ingress and egress points may occur with relation to major thoroughfares, thereby reducing the traffic carrying capacity of the major thoroughfare, the Planning Commission may require a marginal access service road as follows:
1. Where a narrow lot will require a single outlet, the Planning Commission may recommend that money be placed in escrow with the City of Ontario so as to provide for a marginal access service road parallel to the street right-of-way line and equal in length to the width of the lot involved. The amount deposited in escrow shall be based on a cost estimate prepared by the applicant, owner or developer and approved by the City Engineer. A zoning certificate will not be granted until the access service road is constructed or monies have been deposited with the City.
2. The City Planning Commission shall require marginal access service roads for all subdivisions where lots face onto a major arterial street.
(6) In accordance with the comprehensive plan, the Planning Commission may impose additional conditions on the site plan development in order to reduce congestion, facilitate traffic safety, enhance utility service, promote the efficient use of land, and preserve the tax base of the City.
(Ord. 10-08. Passed 3-18-10.)
(f) Planning Commission Action Not Required. If the applicant submits a site plan to the City for which no conditional use permits or variances are requested or necessary for the applicant’s site plan to be approved and the site plan meets the approval of the Zoning Inspector and City Engineer, then the applicant will not be required to submit the site plan to Planning Commission for its approval. However, the Zoning Inspector or City Engineer, or both, has the discretion to still require the applicant to obtain Planning Commission approval for any site plan.
(Ord. 16-15. Passed 6-16-16.)
(g) Review and Inspection Fees. In addition to any other fees required by the City of Ontario Codified Ordinance, all projects subject to Site Plan Review shall pay the fees associated with plan review and inspection by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall keep a separate itemized account of the work performed for review and inspection or any other work necessary for the project. The City Engineer shall provide to the City of Ontario itemized invoices covering all work performed for the project. The City of Ontario will in turn invoice the Project Owner. All fees are due and payable within thirty (30) days of invoicing. If the Owner does not pay within thirty (30) days, overdue fees will incur an additional ten (10) percent monthly late fee. Failure to pay Fees within sixty (60) days will result in a stop work order for the project until all late fees have been paid. (Ord. 19-36. Passed 11-20-19.)