(a)   Borrowing Authority. The County Building Inspection Department shall have authority to borrow from any public body approving this agreement an amount not in excess of one year's anticipated operating costs. Such loans shall be interest free and shall be deposited with the County Treasurer for deposit in a special fund. These loans shall be secured by execution of the proper notes by the County Building Inspector.
   (b)   Establishing Fees. On or before December 1, of each calendar year the County Building Inspector shall prepare a proposed fee schedule for inspection work under his jurisdiction so long as such fees are uniform for similar types of structures and similar types of inspections for all parts of the Inspector's jurisdiction. The proposed fee schedule shall be developed on the basis of securing adequate funds for the anticipated operating cost of the County Department of Building Inspection with adequate allowance for contingencies. This fee schedule shall be transmitted to all bodies governed by these provisions by December 10 of each calendar year and unless such body or bodies formally withdraw from the cooperation agreement, the fees shall automatically go into effect on January 1 next thereafter.
   (c)   Collecting Fees. The County Building Inspector shall be responsible for collecting all fees called for under all codes which he is authorized to enforce and shall properly receipt and record the collection of such fees and shall deposit such money with the County Treasurer on a weekly basis.
   (d)   Appropriation and Expenditures. All expenses in connection with the operation of a Building Inspection Department including but not limited to Public Employees Retirement System payments, Worker's Compensation payment, insurance, rentals, salaries, utilities, materials, supplies, publications, automotive expense, travel, and reasonable charges for accounting and bookkeeping as agreed to by the County Treasurer and County Building Inspection shall be paid from the special fund established by the County Treasurer for receipt of loans according to proper vouchers, and receipts as determined by the County Commission and subject to the approval of the State Examiner after appropriations have been made by the County Commission.
   (e)   Transfer of Funds. From time to time the County Commissioners may transfer money from the fee receipts to the special fund created by the County Treasurer to meet operating costs or to be utilized to repay loans previously made when requested to do so by the County Building Inspector.
   (f)   Limitation. The expenditures for operating the County Department of Building Inspection for any one year shall never exceed the amount borrowed from the public bodies approving this cooperation agreement plus fees collected during that year so that the Department operations shall never result in a deficit beyond funds so borrowed.
   (g)   Repayment of Loans. The County Building Inspector shall establish fees for inspections under his juridiction in the first three years of the operation of the County Department of Building Inspection at such a level that loans secured for initial operations can and shall be repaid and the Departmental operations can be met from recent fee collections.
(Ord. 67-12. Passed 3-16-67.)