(a) The Service-Safety Director will prepare a questionnaire which will determine the nature of industrial wastes to be expected from industrial users. These questionnaires will request information relative to types of processes resulting in industrial waste. Within thirty days of receipt of the questionnaire, the industrial user will return the completed questionnaire.
(b) Submission of Detailed Data. Upon receipt of complete questionnaires, the Director will determine which industries are required to submit detailed data. This detailed data will define the nature and quantity of industrial waste being discharged. Within thirty days of receipt of the detailed data, the City will issue a "permit to discharge." This permit to discharge will state maximum quantities of pollutants to be discharged by each industry. These quantities will be established by the Director from information supplied in the "detailed data."
(c) Compliance Time Schedule. Within thirty days of receipt of a "permit to discharge," the affected industry will submit a compliance time table showing milestones in which action will be taken before and no later than June 1, 1982. This compliance time table shall include, but not be limited to, the following milestones:
(1) Preliminary engineering to determine source of pollutants.
(2) Engineering evaluation and design of control method.
(3) Ordering equipment and lead time for purchased parts.
(4) Begin construction.
(5) Complete construction.
(6) Debug test.
Upon submission of compliance time table, the Service-Safety Director will accept or modify it in agreement with the affected industry.
(d) Permit Limitations for Certain Toxic Pollutants. In preparing industrial "permits to discharge" the Director shall ensure that the total quantities of certain pollutants, as received at the sewage treatment plant, will not exceed the following:
total cyanide - 2.0#/day
total chromium - 11.0#/day
copper - 10.3#/day
zinc 33.1#/day
cadmium - 0.8#/day
nickel - 27.5#/day
phenols - 1.9#/day
lead - 2.9#/day
mercury - 0.05#/day
silver - 3.0#/day
The great majority of users of the sewer system will produce negligible quantities of the above pollutants. Certain industries, however, may produce significant quantities of certain pollutants in excess of the limitations listed in 925.09(g). The Director shall consider those industries as a group and shall determine the quantities of pollutants which may be discharged by each. In no case shall the discharge from this group or any individual within this group exceed the following concentration limitations or a mass unit limitation as allocated in a permit to discharge:
30 day average, mg/l
total cyanide 1.1
total chromium 1.7
copper 2.0
zinc 4.7
cadmium 0.5
nickel 3.8
phenols 0.2
lead 0.4
mercury 0.01
silver 0.2
The Director shall determine what quantities may be anticipated from all other users and shall allocate the remainder of the waste loads among the subject industries.
If any industry, new or existing, desires to start a new process which will cause the discharge of significant quantities of the above listed pollutants in excess of levels that are allowed under their permit to discharge, this will be permitted only if a corresponding decrease can be achieved among other discharges.
(e) Control Manholes. Each person discharging industrial wastes into a public sewer shall construct and maintain one or more control manholes or access points to facilitate observation, measurement and sampling of his wastes, including sanitary sewage.
Control manholes or access facilities shall be located and built in a manner acceptable to the Director. If measuring devices are to be permanently installed they shall be a type acceptable to the Director.
Control manholes, access facilities and related equipment shall be installed by the person discharging the waste at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be in safe condition, accessible and in proper operating condition at all times. Plans for the installation of such facilities shall be approved by the Director prior to the beginning of construction.
(f) Wastewater Volume Determination. The volume of flow used for computing sanitary sewer charges shall be the water usage of the person as shown in the records of the Ontario Sewer and Water Collection office, except as herein provided in this section.
Any person discharging wastes into the public sewers, not utilizing City water, shall install and maintain at his expense metering devices for determining the volume of water usage, as a means of determining the volume of waste being discharged to the public sewer. The measuring devices shall be of a type acceptable to the Director.
A customer may, with Municipal approval, install a waste measuring device or deduct meter rather than basing waste flows on water meter readings. A complete description of the metering facilities must be submitted to, and approved by, the Director prior to installation.
The Director may require the installation of waste measuring devices for determining the volume of waste discharged, if for any reason it is necessary.
Any metering device for determining the volume of waste discharged to the public sewer shall be installed, owned and maintained by the person. Following approval and installation, such meters shall not be removed without the consent of the Director.
(g) Sampling and Monitoring. Industrial wastes discharged into the public sewers shall be subject to periodic inspection with a determination of character and concentration of said wastes. The determination shall be made as often as may be deemed necessary by the Service-Safety Director.
If pollutant concentration in the discharge is of such varying nature, or if the likelihood of a slug of a pollutant is so great, that a grab sample of the wastewater cannot be relied upon to furnish a representative analysis of the industry's discharge, then the Director may require the installation of special sampling devices. These may include a continuous sampling pump coupled to a flow meter in such a way that the size of the sample is proportional to the total flow.
The owner shall be responsible for the collection and testing of the aforementioned samples. Samples shall be collected in such a manner as to be representative of the composition of the wastes.
Access to sampling locations shall be granted to the Director or his authorized representative at all times. Every care shall be exercised in the collection of samples to insure their preservation in a state comparable to that at the time the sample was taken.
(h) Analyses. Laboratory procedures used in the examination of industrial wastes shall be those set forth in the latest edition of one of the following:
(1) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
(2) Part 31 of the Standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials.
(3) Method for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes Environmental Protection Agency.
Alternative methods for certain analyses of industrial wastes may be used to subject to mutual agreement between the Service-Safety Director and the person.
Determination of the character and concentration of the industrial wastes shall be made by the person responsible for the discharge, or his qualified agent as approved by the Director. The results of the analyses, shall be reported to the City on forms provided by the City. The City shall make its own analyses of the wastes and these determinations shall be binding as a basis for charges except under circumstances in the following paragraph.
In case the analyses performed by the industry and the City result in substantially different values, an effort shall be made by the industry to collect samples at the same time the City collects its own samples. The results of the analyses of the samples collected by the City and the industry shall be compared using the same testing procedures as outlined in the above references and the differences negotiated.
(Ord. 80-24. Passed 3-20-80.)
(Ord. 80-24. Passed 3-20-80.)