(a)   Council recognizes that new growth and development in the City requires that the capacity of the Municipal road system be expanded and that in the absence of a funded program of roadway improvements, new growth and development would have to be restricted in order to avoid undue congestion of the roads of the City and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City.
   (b)   The purpose of the chapter is to ensure that new growth and development mitigates the impact of new growth and development on the quality of life in the City of Ontario by paying a fair share of the costs of road improvements needed to serve new growth and development thereby ensuring that needed roads will be constructed.
   (c)   All fair share impact fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be used for the construction of road improvements that benefit and serve new growth and development.
   (d)   The City has the authority to implement a fair share road impact fee program under the Ohio Constitution’s home rule provisions, Ohio Const. Art. XVIII, and subdivision regulations, Ohio R.C. Ch. 711 et seq.
(Ord. 07-07. Passed 2-7-07.)