(a)   Height Computation. Height requirements, as set forth for the various zoning districts, shall be computed as follows:
      (1)   Interior lots. Heights shall be measured from the average natural grade at the building line and shall apply for the full depth of the lot.
      (2)   Double frontage or through lots. Heights shall be measured from the average natural grade at the building line of each frontage and shall apply for one-half the depth of the lot.
      (3)   Corner lots. Heights shall be measured from a level midway in elevation between the average natural grade at the building line of each frontage, or between the average natural grade at the building lines of the highest and lowest frontages, if the lot fronts on more than two streets.
   (b)   Height Modifications. The following features are exempt from the district height limitations and do not require conditional use approval to exceed the height regulations provided:
       (1)   Chimneys that do not exceed the height limit by more than six feet;
      (2)   Church spires, elevator shafts, and similar structural appendages not intended as places of occupancy or storage;
      (3)   Heating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar equipment, fixtures, and devices, provided that these features are set back from the edge of the roof a minimum distance of one foot for every foot by which such features extend above the roof surface of the principal building to which they are attached and not more than one-third of the total roof area is consumed by such features.
         (Ord. 24-97. Passed 10-14-97.)