(a)   Removal of Nonconforming Signs. Signs that are legal but nonconforming (see subsection (b) hereof) may remain in place, but must be made conforming or be removed within two years of the effective date of this Zoning Code, unless one of the circumstances described in subsection (c) or (d) hereof has occurred prior to that date. All other signs that do not conform are illegal and must be removed.
   (b)   Determination of Legal Nonconformity. Existing signs that do not conform to the specific provisions of this Zoning Code shall be eligible for the designation "legal but nonconforming" if:
      (1)   The Zoning Administrator determines that such signs are properly maintained and do not in any way endanger the public; and
      (2)   The sign was in place in conformance with a valid permit or variance, or complied with all applicable laws on the date of adoption of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Loss of “Legal but Nonconforming” Status. A legal but nonconforming sign shall lose this designation if one or more of the following occur:
      (1)   The sign is relocated or replaced;
      (2)   The structure or size of the sign is altered in any way except toward compliance with this chapter; and/or
      (3)   The use to which the sign is accessory is vacant for ninety successive days.
   (d)   Maintenance and Repair of Nonconforming Signs. A legal but nonconforming sign is subject to all requirements of this Zoning Code regarding safety, maintenance, and repair. However, if the sign suffers damage or deterioration to an extent that exceeds fifty percent of its replacement value at the time of destruction, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, it shall be reconstructed or repaired only in conformance with this Zoning Code or must be removed.
(Ord. 24-97. Passed 10-14-97.)