Regulations governing signs, including provisions to control the types, designs, sizes and locations thereof, are established in order to achieve, among other things, the following:
   (a)   To promote attractive and high-value residential districts, by permitting therein only nameplate signs and signs related to the development, rental, or sale of residential properties;
   (b)   To provide for reasonable and yet appropriate conditions for advertising goods sold or services rendered in business districts by relating the size, type, and design of signs to the type and size of establishment;
   (c)   To provide appropriate signs for industrial developments;
   (d)   To eliminate any similarity or conflict between identification signs and traffic control signs which might confuse the motoring public or pedestrians; and
   (e)   To protect and enhance the unique historic and aesthetic character of the City, as it has been identified in the Comprehensive Plan, by requiring that signs be designed in a style compatible with that character and their surroundings.
      (Ord. 24-97. Passed 10-14-97.)