(a)   The Chief of Police shall provide the members of Council with a true copy of each rule or regulation he adopts, modifies or repeals. No rule or regulation shall become effective until thirty days after Council receives such true copy, unless, by motion, by a majority vote of its members, Council waives the requirement of the thirty-day waiting period. Council may override any decision of the Chief of Police to place, modify or remove a traffic control device or may assume any power delegated to him by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of its members. Failure of Council to act within thirty days shall constitute approval of the decision of the Chief of Police.
   Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Chief of Police from erecting signs deemed necessary to control traffic during temporary emergencies or other circumstances. For the purposes of this exception, the term "temporary" means any period of three months or less. At the end of such period any signs erected under this authority shall be removed.
   (b)   The Chief of Police may recommend, but Council must pass an ordinance to:
      (1)   Designate any street or highway as a through street or highway and require that all vehicles stop or yield the right-of way as may be required before entering the same;
      (2)   Designate any intersection as a stop intersection and require all vehicles to stop at one or more entrances to such intersection;
      (3)   Designate any intersection as a yield intersection and require all vehicles to yield the right-of-way as required;
      (4)   Designate dangerous railroad crossings and erect stop signs thereat;
      (5)   Designate any street as a one-way street and require that all vehicles thereon be moved in one specific direction;
      (6)   Erect "No U Turn" signs at any location to prohibit a vehicle from being turned so as to proceed in the opposite direction; and
      (7)   Regulate or prohibit the stopping, standing and parking of vehicles on streets, alleys or public property by erecting signs plainly indicating the prohibitions, restrictions or limitations.
         (Ord. 2-75. Passed 2-11-75.)