All contracts authorized by Council shall be executed in the name of the City and signed on its behalf by the Mayor and the Clerk of Council and shall contain the signature of the Law Director approving its form. When any contract authorizes the expenditure, other than the compensation of persons employed thereby, of more than the maximum amount stated in Section 735.05 of the Ohio Revised Code, such contract shall be in writing and made with the lowest and best bidder for any such construction capital project or the lowest and best offer through a request for proposals for any such non-construction capital project, after advertising for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the Municipality. The Clerk of Council shall open all bids at 12:00 noon on the last day for filing of bids and shall publicly read them to any interested parties then present. Purchases made by the City through and as a member of the State Cooperative Purchase Program are exempt from the bidding requirements of this section.
(Ord. 53-2002. Passed 4-23-02; Ord. 63-2021. Passed 12-28-21.)