Ord. No. Date Description
O.F.35 10-11-26 Plat of Burr-Wolf Olmsted Homesites.
O.F. Res. 89 12-15-28 Plat of W. Enger et al.
W.V. Res.307 8-26-41 Plat of Normandy Rd.
W.V. 531 10-23-51 Plat of West-Lin Subdivision on Lindberg Blvd.
W.V. Res.570 9-22-53 Plat of West-Lin Subdivision No. 2 on Lindberg Blvd.
O.F.1957-17 5-13-57 Accepts Pineway Dr. as Village St.
O.F. Res. 10-9-61 Plat of Wilcox Subdivision of Sublots 1 and 2 on Water St.
O.F. Res. 6-22-64 Plat of Wilcox Subdivision No. 2 for Water St. extension.
O.F.1967-6 4-11-67 Plat of Hecker and Russell, Inc., Subdivision No. 1.
W.V. Res. 10-5-69 Plat of Fernwood Dr.
8-72 5-9-72 Dedication of Basswood, Mangrove and Ponderosa Drs. of Westview Subdivision No. 4.
Res.63-72 9-26-72 Plat of Westview Subdivision No. 9.
36-75 7-8-75 Accepting dedication of Brentwood Dr. from Bagley Rd. to the southerly City boundary for public use.
37-75 9-9-75 Accepting Main St. north of Water St.
34-76 4-13-76 Accepting dedication of Brentwood Dr. from Bagley Rd. to the southerly City boundary for maintenance.
32-77 10-25-77 Accepting dedication of Hickory Ln. and Ironwood Dr. of Westview Subdivision Nos. 9 and 10, for public use.
62-78 6-27-78 Accepting dedication of all public land on Raintree Phase 2 for record purposes.
63-78 9-12-78 Accepting dedication of all public land on Plum Creek Phase 1, Stage 1, for record purposes.
9-81 4-13-81 Plat of Raintree Development, Phase Four, for record purposes only.
10-81 3-9-81 Plat of Raintree Development, Phase Three, for record purposes only.
11-81 4-13-81 Plat of Raintree Development, Phase One.
12-81 3-9-81 Plat of Raintree Development, Phase Two.
44-81 9-14-81 Plat of Raintree Development, Phase Three.
56-81 8-4-81 Accepting dedication of Cranage Rd.
60-82 1-10-82 Plat of Summerset Ln., a part of Raintree Development, Phase Four.
78-82 1-24-83 Conditionally accepting dedication of Bronson Ave. and Herb St.
7-83 2-28-83 Conditionally accepting dedication of Scott Blvd. and Briarwood Rd.
44-83 6-27-83 Plat of Falls Subdivision Phase I and accepting dedication of Charney Circle and part of Tyndale Falls Dr.
104-83 12-27-83 Plat of Falls Subdivision Phase II and accepting dedication of Tyndale Falls Dr. and Glencairon Ln.
96-84 12-26-84 Plat of Bradfords Gate Subdivision, Phase One, for record purposes only.
44-85 9-23-85 Plat of Bradfords Gate Subdivision, Phase I and accepting dedication of Bradfords Gate and Bayfair Dr.
Res.53-86 3-24-86 Approving lot split for P.P. 291-2-1 in Fawn Lake Apartments Development.
71-87 6-23-87 Plat of Bradfords Gate Subdivision No. 2 for record purposes only.
105-88 12- 13-88 Plat of Bradfords Gate Subdivision No. 2 and accepting dedication of Old Post Rd. and Bayfair Dr.
106-88 5-9-88 Plat of Plum Creek Subdivision No. 2 and accepting dedication of Saw Mill Bend, Grist Mill Run and Cooper Turn.
Res.78-91 11-12-91 Approving the application of the Plum Creek Conservation Group for the lot split and consolidation of P.P.281-30-001 with P.P. 281-30- 006, 281-29-002, 281-29-003, 281-29-004, 281-29 005, 281-29-007 and 281-29-008, and of P.P. No. 281-29-006 with P.P. 281-29-005.
72-92 11- 10-92 Accepting dedication of Mapleway Dr. Sanitary Sewer Improvement.
Res.53-93 7-13-93 Vacation plat of the Riverview Addition.
Res.54-93 7- 13-93 Final plat of Riverview Addition.
Res.54-94 5-16-94 Accepting dedication of Riverview Addition Residential Subdivision.
Res.80-94 7- 12-94 Accepting dedication of Raintree Development Phase IV, Cyprus Lane Subdivision.
17-94 10-25-94 Accepting dedication of Plum Creek Subdivision Phase IV.
Res.134-94 12-27-94 Accepting dedication of Plum Creek Subdivision Phase VI, Sugarbush Circle Extension.
Res.28-96 5-28-96 Accepting dedication of public land in the Briarpatch Residential Subdivision.
Res.91-96 1-28-97 Accepting dedication of public land in the Falls Pointe Phase 1-A Residential Subdivision.
Res.12-97 2-25-97 Accepting dedication of public land in the Westgrove Phase I Residential Subdivision.
Res.92-97 10-14-97 Accepting dedication of public land in the Westgrove Subdivision Phase II.
Res.6-98 1-29-98 Accepting dedication of public land in the Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision Phase II.
Res.7-98 2-24-98 Accepting dedication of public land in the Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision Phases 1-B and 1-D.
32-98 4-28-98 Final plat of Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 3-A, and accepting dedication of public land.
47-98 6-9-98 Final plat of Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 3-B, and accepting dedication of public land.
96-98 10-27-98 Final plat of West Grove "Cottage Courts" Cluster Development, and accepting dedication of public land.
97-98 10-27-98 Final plat of West Grove Subdivision, Phase 3, and accepting dedication of public land.
104-98 12-8-98 Final plat of Northwood Residential Subdivision and accepting dedication of public land.
21-99 2-23-99 Final plat of Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 4, and accepting dedication of public land.
Res.85-99 10-26-99 Accepting dedication of a portion of the public lands in the Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 5.
Res.109-99 11-23-99 Accepting dedication of a portion of the public lands in the West Grove Subdivision, Phase 4.
Res.79-2000 10-10-00 Accepting dedication of public lands in the Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 5B
Res.80-2000 10-10-00 Accepting dedication of public lands in the Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 1C.
Res.103-2000 12-4-00 Accepting dedication of public lands in the Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision, Phase 6.
49-2006 5-9-06 Accept the final plat for Eastern Star Lane.
96-2010 8-24-10 Accepts the final plat for East River Road and accepting for dedication to public use the public land showed thereon.