Ord. No. Date Description
O.F. Res.16 4-6-25 To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to string wires, etc., for electric service.
O. F.17 4-6-25 To A. H. Robinson Co., to lay, etc., single switch track across Commercial St.
O.F.41 2-7-27 To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to erect poles, etc., for electric service.
W.V.15 3-5-28 To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to erect poles, etc., for electric transmission.
O. F.112 3-26-28 To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to string wires across Irish Rd. (Hamlin St.).
W.V. Res.16 4-2-28 To Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to string wires, etc., for electric transmission.
W.V.183 9-9-35 To Ohio Fuel Gas Co., to lay pipe, etc., for natural gas service.
W.V.192 1-20-36 Authorizes easement with Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis R.R. Co., for sewer purposes.
W.V. Res.200 7-14-36 Authorizes payment to Big Four R.R. for easement for sewer purposes.
W.V. Res.273 2-13-40 From Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., for its right of way on the property of W. H. Alburn.
W.V. Res.280 3-26-40 From Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., for its right of way on the property of W. H. Alburn.
O.F.690 5-10-43 Authorizes agreement to use part of N. Y. C. R. R. right of way for beautification.
O.F.716 3-13-44 Authorizes Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. to change and relocate poles on Cranage Rd.
O.F.819 ? Amends Ord. 112 granting permission to Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. to construct and maintain electric wires through Bagley Rd.
O.F.858 2-23-48 Authorizes Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. to cross Bagley Rd. with electrical transmission line.
O.F. Res.1062 1-10-55 From Monson-Williams Corp., for installation of water main.
W.V.1955-28 12-27-55 Authorizes supplemental agreement for easement from N.Y.C. R.R. and Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis R. R. for sewer purposes.
O.F. Res.1961-39 10-9-61 From J. and I. Wilcox, for installation and maintenance of storm sewer and ditch.
W.V.1964-10 2-25-64 From Vinewood Inc., for sewer and water purposes.
O.F. Res.1964-51 8-24-64 From Ashwood Construction Co., for installation and maintenance of water main in Brentwood and Bayfair Drs.
O.F.1969-11 3-24-69 Appropriation of easements over Permanent Parcels 281-7-4, 281- 22-22, 281-18-12, 281-24-2, 263-4-1, 281-24-1, 281-24-3, 281-2- 49, 281-2-51, 281-2-125, 281-2-45, 281-2-46.
75-71 10-27-71 To City, for ingress and egress to building owned by Fadil Investment Co., for 6 months.
76-71 10-26-71 Authorizes improvement of easement granted City by Fadil Investment Co.
Res.59-72 10-10-72 From Flair Corp., for installation and maintenance of water mains.
74-72 12-12-72 To Cuyahoga County Public Library, for use of part of Sublots 36 and 37.
3-75 1-14-75 From Flair Corp., for installation and maintenance of a water main.
Res.55-76 9-14-76 Authorizes taking an easement by consent for construction and use of a foot bridge over Plum Creek near Bagley Rd.
8-79 5-8-79 Authorizes easement to Rural Lorain County Water Authority for extension of water lines into Plum Creek Development.
109-80 11-24-80 Authorizes easement to Cleveland Area TV for construction of tower and building.
104-88 11-8-88 From Mill River Associates for installation and maintenance of a water main.
45-89 5-23-89 From Catholic Diocese of Cleveland for placement of a modular classroom near St. Mary of the Falls Elementary School.
68-89 9-12-89 From A.D. and K.M. Martin for installation and maintenance of a water main.
72-89 9-12-89 From Mill River Associates for installation and maintenance of a water main.
Res.63-91 7-9-91 To the City of Cleveland, to install a water line under certain City- owned property between Adams St. and Tyndall Falls Dr.
Res. 89-91 12-10-91 To M. and D. Rossman, to install a water line under certain property between Adams St. and Tyndall Falls Dr. Repeals Res. 63-91.
Res. 24-93 5-11-93 From C. and C. Williams for an ingress and egress driveway to a Municipal parking lot.
Res. 43-93 7-13-93 From Quality Select Homes, Inc., for installation and maintenance of a watermain for Cyprus Lane Subdivision.
Res.74-95 7-19-95 From Shore West Construction Co. for installation and maintenance of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water lines for Plum Creek Planned Unit Development Phase V D.
Res.75-95 7-19-95 From Shore West Construction Co. for installation and maintenance of a pipeline for sanitary sewers for Plum Creek Planned Unit Development Phase V D.
Res. 29-96 5-28-96 Accepting an assignment of a utility easement from C. Williams of C. Williams Realty for the Briarpatch Residential Subdivision.
Res. 73-96 9-24-96 From Whitlatch & Co. for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water service to the West Grove Village Condominium Subdivision.
Res. 74-96 9-24-96 Approving the easement plat for the West Grove Village Condominium Residential Subdivision.
Res. 93-96 3-11-97 From T.J. and C.M. Hayes and T. and D.J. Kronholz, for sanitary sewer purposes.
Res. 7-97 2-11-97 From Royalton Acres Development Corp. for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water service to Raintree Condominiums Phase V.
Res. 8-97 2-11-97 From Falls Pointe, Ltd., for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water service to Falls Pointe Phase I-B 1.
Res. 18-97 3-11-97 From Woodbridge Development Co., Inc. for the installation and maintenance of Storm Swales in West Grove Phase I.
Res. 38-97 3-25-97 From Woodbridge Development Co., Inc., for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water service to West Grove Residential Subdivision Phase II.
Res. 39-97 3-25-97 From Scor Corp. for utility purposes for the Briarscott Residential Subdivision.
Res. 91-97 10-14-97 From Woodbridge Development Co., Inc. for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water service to Cottage Courts Clusters Residential Development.
34-98 4-14-98 Authorizing easement agreements with the owners of property on which are located sanitary sewer mains for the purpose of operating, maintaining and repairing said mains.
Res. 75-98 8-11-98 From Bruscino/West Grove L.L.C., for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water service to the Commons of West Grove Residential Subdivision.
Res. 76-98 8-11-98 From Bruscino/West Grove L.L.C., for the installation and maintenance of a water main for circulation purposes only for the Commons of West Grove Residential Subdivision.
Res. 83-98 10-27-98 From Hennie Homes, Inc., for the installation and maintenance of a water main for the purpose of supplying water to the Villas of Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision.
Res. 84-98 10-27-98 From Hennie Homes, Inc., for the installation and maintenance of a water main for circulation purposes only to the Villas of Falls Pointe Residential Subdivision.
Res. 72-99 8-24-99 From Christena Bryson Kern. for the installation and maintenance of a storm sewer.
106-2000 12-12-00 From R.N. and M.R. Setter, for ingress and egress purposes.
2-2001 2-27-01 From David S. and Donna J. Stanek, for the erection and maintenance of a sign.
Res. 22-01 4-26-01 Amending Res. 1-2001 accepting an easement from Clara E. Harding and R. Amelia Harding in order to provide temporary parking during events on the Village Green.
72-2002 5-14-02 Authorizes accepting permanent easement from D. Rice (Permanent Parcel 291-15-003) to install sanitary sewer.
73-2002 5-14-02 Authorizes accepting permanent easement from Plum Creek Homeowners’ Association (Permanent Parcel 291-30-008) to install sanitary sewer.
83-2002 6-25-02 Authorizes accepting access easement from Shore West Construction Co. (Permanent Parcel No. 291-35-009).
84-2002 6-25-02 Authorizes accepting permanent easement from Shore West Construction Co. (Permanent Parcel No. 291-35-009) for sanitary sewer purposes.
134-2002 12-23-02 Authorizes extinguishment of permanent sanitary sewer easement granted to City by Westwood Garden Apts., Inc. across Permanent Parcel 291-35-009.
21-2003 5-13-03 Authorizes accepting permanent sewer easement from Western Ohio Utility Co., Inc. (Permanent Parcel 291-06-001).
40-2003 6-10-03 Authorizes accepting permanent sewer easement and temporary construction easement from J.H. and B.J. Hawkins across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 291-22-002 for Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.
41-2003 6-10-03 Authorizes accepting permanent sewer easement and temporary construction easement from S.A. Danesi across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 291-22-014 for Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.
42-2003 6-10-03 Authorizes accepting permanent sewer easement and temporary construction easement from R.J. and L.J. Beluscak across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 291-22-015 for Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.
43-2003 6-10-03 Authorizes accepting permanent sewer easement and temporary construction easement from HRS Development Corp. across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 291-20-001 for Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.
74-2003 6-10-03 Authorizes accepting permanent easement and temporary construction easement from Hansen Real Estate Trust et al. across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 291-22-003 for Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.
75-2003 6-10-03 Authorizes accepting permanent sewer easement and temporary construction easement from J.L. and M.J. Hawkins across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 291-21-016 for Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.
79-2003 6-24-03 Authorizes accepting permanent access easement from C.L. and C.H. Williams across County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel 281-22- 041 for sidewalk ramp.
88-2003 7-29-03 Authorizes permanent easement with Cleveland for maintenance of water line in Fire Station access drive on Columbia Rd.
105-2003 11-25-03 Approves water main easement from Falls Pointe, Ltd.
13-2004 4-27-04 Approves water main easement from Hennie Homes, Ltd.
14-2004 4-27-04 Approves water main easement from Eastern Star Home of Cuyahoga County.
58-2004 8-10-04 Authorizes accepting permanent storm sewer easement from T. Hubeny for 25969 Myrtle Ave. (P.P.N. 281-02-106).
59-2004 8-10-04 Authorizes accepting permanent storm sewer easement from D.J. Hubeny, Jr. and D. Hubeny for 25955 Myrtle Ave. (P.P.N. 281-02- 104).
61-2005 6-28-05 Accepts a water main easement for water services supply purposes from Falls Glen Clusters, LLC.
62-2005 6-28-05 Accepts a water main easement for circulation purposes from Falls Glen Clusters, LLC.
65-2005 7-26-05 Approves an encroachment upon a City owned easement located upon property owned by Steven and Jennifer Boros.
80-2005 10-11-05 Accepts a permanent utility easement from Michael and Celeste Kalich (P.P.N. 291-27-085).
81-2005 10-11-05 Accepts a permanent utility easement from Orlando and Sherry Glenn (P.P.N. 291-27-086).
5-2006 1-24-06 Authorizes the purchase of two temporary right of way easements from Sergey and Irene Stepanov to construct the Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
7-2006 1-24-06 Authorize the purchase of a temporary right of way easement from the City of Olmsted Falls to construct the Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
8-2006 1-24-06 Authorize the purchase of a temporary right of way easement from Daniel and Melissa Becaj to construct the Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
10-2006 1-24-06 Authorize the purchase of a temporary right of way easement from Emelia A. Fassinger, Trustee to construct the Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
12-2006 1-24-06 Authorizes purchase of temporary r-o-w easement (Parcel 30T) from B.J. Laponza across P.P.N. 291-05-013 to construct Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
37-2006 3-14-06 Authorizes the purchase of two temporary right of way easements from William Synk, Jr. in order to construct the Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
76-2006 7-11-06 Authorizes purchase of 2 temporary r-o-w easements (Parcels 21T and 21T-1) from G.F. and C.M. Richard across P.P.N. 291-17-007 for Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
95-2006 6-27-06 Grants temporary easement to C. and C.H. Williams, trustees, upon P.P.N. 281-19-015, for handicap access ramp.
133-2006 11-14-06 Authorizes purchase of permanent sewer easement and temporary r- o-w easement (Parcels 5S and 5T) from G.M. Bevier aka G.M. and J.W. Wilkolak, Jr. across P.P.N. 291-13-002 for Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
142-2006 12-12-06 Authorizes purchase of temporary r-o-w easement (Parcel 30T) from B.J. Laponza across P.P.N. 291-05-013 for Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project; repeals Ord. 12-2006.
17-2007 2-27-07 Appropriates permanent sanitary sewer easement across portion of P.P.N. 291-29-002 (P.A. Dock, owner) for Lindbergh Westlawn Sanitary Sewer Project.
18-2007 2-27-07 Appropriates permanent sanitary sewer easement across P.P.N. 291- 29-003 (T.S. Polansky, owner) for Lindbergh Westlawn Sanitary Sewer Project.
37-2007 4-24-07 Appropriates portion of P.P.N. 291-05-029 and temporary r-o-w easement across this property (Parcels 11WD and 11T) (Vibracorp, Inc., owner) for Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
46-2007 6-12-07 Authorized purchase of permanent sanitary sewer easement across portion of P.P.N. 291-29-002 from P.A. Dock for Lindbergh Westlawn Sanitary Sewer Project.
47-2007 6-12-07 Authorizes purchase of permanent sanitary sewer easement across portion of P.P.N. 291-29-003 from T.S Polansky for Lindbergh Westlawn Sanitary Sewer Project.
81-2007 11-27-07 Grants permanent easement to C. and C.H. Williams, Trustees, upon P.P.N. 281-19-015.
99-2007 12-27-07 Authorizes purchase of permanent sewer easement and temporary r- o-w easement (Parcels 5S and 5T) from G.M. Bevier aka G.M. and J.W. Wolkolak, Jr. across P.P.N. 291-13-002 for Columbia Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.
23-2008 4-22-08 Accepting and approving a water main easement for water service supply purposes from Lakefront Luxury Homes, LLC.
24-2008 4-22-08 Accepting and approving a water main easement for water circulation purposes from Lakefront Luxury Homes, LLC.
39-2010 3-23-10 Grants exclusive easement to Ohio Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Ohio, to construct above ground audio and video transmission facilities near Tyndall Falls Drive.
40-2010 3-23-10 Grants nonexclusive easement to Ohio Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Ohio, to construct above ground audio and video transmission facilities near Tyndall Falls Drive.
118-2011 12-13-11 Authorizes the Mayor to purchase a Permanent Storm Sewer Easement across a portion of the real property known as Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel No. 281-26-032 from the City of Olmsted Falls, Ohio in order to construct the Mapleway Storm Sewer Repair Project.
46-2012 4-24-12 Authorizes the Mayor to purchase a Permanent Storm Sewer Easement across a portion of the real property known as Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel No. 281-26-032 from the City of Olmsted Falls.
04-2013 2-12-13 Grants a permanent access easement to the Cuyahoga County Public Library upon and across Cuyahoga County Permanent Parcel No. 281-15-003.
05-2013 2-12-13 Accepts a parking easement agreement from the Cuyahoga County Public Library.
70-2014 5-27-14 Authorizing the Mayor to acquire a temporary work access easement for installation of sanitary sewer and appurtenances from Christine M. Klepek across a portion of Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel No. 281-06-001 in order to construct the Phase V Sanitary Sewer Project.
71-2014 5-27-14 Authorizing the Mayor to acquire a temporary work access easement for installation of sanitary sewer and appurtenances from Edward A. & Kristin R. Bajzer across a portion of Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel No. 281-06-021 in order to construct the Phase V Sanitary Sewer Project.
72-2014 5-27-14 Authorizing the Mayor to acquire a temporary work access easement for installation of sanitary sewer and appurtenances from Scott R. and Sandra L. Graham across a portion of Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel No. 281-06-020 in order to construct the Phase V Sanitary Sewer Project.
73-2014 5-27-14 Authorizing the Mayor to acquire a permanent sanitary sewer easement for installation and maintenance of sanitary sewer and appurtenances from Christine M. Klepek across a portion of Cuyahoga County Auditor’s Permanent Parcel No. 281-06-001 in order to construct and maintain the Phase V Sanitary Sewer Project.
Res.12-2016 3-22-16 Entering into a certain easement agreement with Columbia Gas of Ohio for a gas line installation and maintenance easement to facilitate gas service to the new City service garage.
Res. 18-2019 2-26-19 Granting a permanent utility access easement to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. upon for Permanent Parcel No. 291-14-049.
42-2019 6-25-19 Authorizing the Mayor to acquire a permanent sanitary sewer easement for installation and maintenance of sanitary sewer and appurtenances from Brian Buryanek, Permanent Parcel No. 281-02-008; Joseph DeSanto, Permanent Parcel No. 281-02- 007; Antoinette Vitello, Permanent Parcel No. 281-03-024; and Christine Klepek, Permanent Parcel No. 281-06-001 in order to construct and maintain the Phase V Sanitary Sewer Project.
44-2019 6-25-19 Authorizing the Mayor to acquire a permanent sanitary sewer easement for installation and maintenance of sanitary sewer and appurtenances from Bruce and Fonda Hosta, Permanent Parcel No. 281-06-002 in order to construct and maintain the Phase V Sanitary Sewer Project.
87-2019 11-26-19 Accepting a water circulation easement concerning the Falls Pointe Preserve Subdivision.