(A)   The purpose of the General Business District is to provide retail stores and personal service outlets to meet the need of the people in adjacent or nearby residential areas for convenient services. These districts are closely related to residential districts but they are also commercial areas that generate activities that can be disruptive in residential areas unless they are properly regulated.
   (B)   (1)   The intent of these regulations is to make the B-1 Districts as compatible as possible with associated residential districts while permitting commercial activity.
      (2)   This District also includes highway-oriented commercial development:
         (a)   Permitted uses.
            1.   Any convenience- and vehicular-oriented type of retail business or service establishment such as follows: groceries; drug stores; shoe repair shops; hardware store; barber and beauty shops; clothing shops; garages for motor vehicle repair within an enclosed building; restaurants; self-service laundries; filling stations; places of amusement and assembly; car washes; and antique shops. Any other retail business or service establishment which is determined by the Board of Adjustment to be of the same general character as the above mentioned uses.
            2.   Single-, double-, and multi-family dwelling units are permitted. Manufactured units must comply with §§ 17.04.600 through 17.04.680;
         (b)   Conditional uses.
            1.   Churches and other places or worship, parish houses, public libraries, schools offering general education courses, public parks and non-commercial public recreational facilities, public utilities, funeral homes, cemeteries, nursing homes, hospitals, and clinics for human care, philanthropic institutions and clubs, including a club of which the chief activity is customarily carried on as a business government offices; and
            2.   The Board of Adjustment may attach certain conditions to its approval which it feels are necessary to preserve and protect the character of the district in which the proposed use would locate.
         (c)   Accessory uses. Any accessory use or building customarily incidental to the above permitted uses is permitted, including dwelling units occupying the same building as the principal commercial use and being for use by the owner/operator;
         (d)   Required conditions.
            1.   Screening. Where a side lot line is shared with an adjoining residential lot, a well maintained compact hedge, a solid fence or similar solid screening device at least six feet in height shall be installed to screen the business use from the adjoining lot in the Residential District. The screen shall begin at the front building line and extend along the common side lot line to the rear property line.
            2.   Access to highways and streets.
               a.   In all commercial zones, points of access to highways and streets shall be controlled by the Planning Commission pursuant to § 17.04.430. Before any building permit for any structure in a B-1 District may be issued, the prospective building or operator of the proposed B-1 activity shall submit a sketch of the layout and design of the proposed structure and/or use and its access points to the highway and/or street to the Planning Commission.
               b.   The Planning Commission may require that when two or more consumer commercial establishments adjoin along one side of any street or highway that they share access points to the street. When more than four consumer commercial establishments adjoin along any highway or street, a road parallel to the highway or street may be built, at the expense of all adjoining consumer commercial establishments, to provide service to all consumer commercial establishments on the same side of the street or highway.
               c.   This road shall have access to the highway or street at no more than two points for every four consumer commercial establishments. The provisions of §§ 17.04.400 through 17.04.580 shall also apply in a B-1 District. Parking and off-street loading requirements are provided in § 17.04.120.
         (e)   Development standards minimum lot area.
Maximum building height
36 feet or 3 stories
Minimum front yard
25 feet or one-half of the street right-of-way (whichever is greater)
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot frontage
100 feet
Minimum rear yard
Same as side yard
Minimum side yard
If adjacent to a residential district, must comply with that district’s requirements
See § 17.04.120
See §§ 17.04.700 through 17.04.750
(Ord. 2004-03, passed - -; Ord. 1998-15, passed 10-13-1998; Ord. 2004-04, passed 8-3-2004; Ord. 2004-06, passed 11-19-2004; Ord. passed 5- -2005)