§ 4.12.020 APPLICATION.
   (A)   Every application for a license under KRS 243.020 to 243.670 and this title shall be verified and shall set forth in detail such information concerning the applicant and the premises for which the license is sought as required by the Kentucky Revised Statutes, the ABC Board, and the city.
   (B)   In addition to other information as the ABC Board may by administrative regulation require, every application for a license under KRS 243.020 to 243.670 and this title shall contain the following information, given under oath:
      (1)   The name, age, Social Security number, address, residence, and citizenship of each applicant;
      (2)   If the applicant is a partnership, the name, age, Social Security number, address, residence, and citizenship of each partner and the name and address of the partnership;
      (3)   The name, age, Social Security number, address, residence, and citizenship of each person interested in the business for which the license is sought, together with the nature of that interest, and, if the applicant is a corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company, the name, age, Social Security number, address, and residence of each officer, director, member, partner, and managerial employee and the citizenship of each, and the state under the laws of which the corporate or limited liability company applicant is either incorporated or organized;
      (4)   The premises to be licensed, stating the street and number, if the premises has a street number, and otherwise such a description that will reasonably indicate the location of the premises;
      (5)   A statement that neither the applicant nor any other person referred to in this section has been convicted of any misdemeanor directly or indirectly attributable to alcoholic beverages; any violation of KRS 218A.060, 218A.080, 218A.100 or 218A.120 within the two years immediately preceding the application; any felony, within five years from the later of the date of parole or the date of conviction, or providing false information to the Commonwealth Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control preceding the application; and that the applicant or any other person referred to in this section has not had any license that has been issued to the applicant under any alcoholic beverage statute revoked for cause within two years prior to the date of the application;
      (6)   A statement whether the applicant or any other person referred to in this section has any interest in any license or limited liability company, corporation, partnership, or other business organization holding a license in any other state or province;
      (7)   A statement whether the applicant or any other person referred to in this section has any interest in any other license or limited liability company, corporation, partnership, or other business organization holding a license under this title; and
      (8)   A statement that the applicant will in good faith abide by every state and local statute, regulation, and ordinance relating to the manufacture, sale, use of, and trafficking in alcoholic beverages.
   (C)   A non-refundable application fee of $50 shall be paid with the filing of the application for a city license. If the license is granted, the application fee shall be credited against the initial license fee.
   (D)   All licenses issued by the city under this title shall require the approval of the Administrator. Applications for the issuance of new licenses and for renewals of existing licenses shall be in writing and upon the forms provided by the ABC Board and the city, as amended and supplemented from time to time.
   (E)   Each application shall be accompanied by a certified check, cash, or a postal or express money order for the amount of the license fee less the $50 application fee.
   (F)   In addition to the information specified in division (B) above, the Administrator may require such other information as the Administrator may in his or her discretion deem desirable, reasonable, or appropriate to the consideration of the application. The applicant shall file with the application responses to any additional questions as may be posed or prescribed by the Administrator.
(Ord. 2014-03, passed 4-15-2014)