(A) A person seeking a debris landfill permit shall file an application with the Solid Waste Coordinator setting forth the following information:
(1) Name and address of the person seeking the permit;
(2) Exact location and address of the property proposed to be filled, the parcel number and access to public streets;
(3) Name and address of the owner of the property, and permission from the owner to conduct the fill operation if different from the applicant;
(4) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be used as fill on the subject property;
(5) Letters, applications or approvals of the fill operation plans by the Cabinet, County Conservation District and any other applicable agency indicating prior review;
(6) A site plan showing the following;
(a) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, streams and location of fill;
(b) Methods employed to control surface drainage during and after completion of operations; and
(c) Name and address of person who prepared the site plan, approximate scale, northpoint and relationship of site to existing public streets.
(7) Proof of notification for all property owners adjacent to the property. Notification must state the following; the applicant is applying for a solid waste permit to operate a debris landfill, the applicant’s name and address, the property parcel number of the proposed fill site, the property owner’s name, the materials being disposed, and shall include a map showing the location of the fill site in relation to surrounding properties and public roads;
(8) Statement of procedures and safeguards the applicant proposes to use to ensure that adjoining properties and county residents will not be adversely affected by the proposed fill activity, including closure procedures the applicant proposes to use when the fill is complete. This closure must be conducted in a manner consistent with the best management practices promulgated by the County Conservation District and must include a minimum of 18 inches of dirt cover, use of fertilizer, lime and seeding with annual and perennial grasses;
(9) Statement as to the length of time the applicant proposes to use the property as a debris landfill site; and
(10) For fill operations in excess of one-half acre, approval of a soil erosion and sediment control plan by the County Conservation District.
(B) The Solid Waste Coordinator shall make available for public review a copy of the permit application; and
(C) The Solid Waste Coordinator shall make pre-application conferences available to potential applicants. The purpose of the pre-application conference is to identify major issues early on in the planning process. These conferences will be voluntary and not binding.
(Ord. KOC 94-800-846, passed 6-21-1994; Ord. KOC 97-830-53, passed 9-2-1997)