(A) Safety standards. All vehicles must meet all aspects of vehicle safety as established by the Department of Kentucky State Police, including, and not limited to, requirements for lighting, reflectors, emergency stop systems, and backup alarms.
(B) Weight and load limits. Collection vehicles must comply with weight limits and distribution of weight on axles, per KRS Chapter 189, to prevent overloading and protect road surfaces.
(C) Vehicle dimensions. To ensure that collection vehicles can safely navigate streets and roads, KRS 189.221 regulates maximum vehicle dimensions, including height, width, and length.
(D) Road traffic laws. Trash collection trucks must adhere to general road traffic laws, including rules related to speed limits, signaling, and right-of-way.
(E) Waste handling and transportation regulations. All waste shall be secured and transported in a manner which minimizes the release of litter and odors. Open-top trailers must be securely covered with all sides of the cover fastened to the trailer while transporting solid waste. Vehicles with enclosed compaction systems shall be constructed, maintained, and operated as to minimize spillage of waste therefrom.
(F) Nuisance regulations. Collection vehicles shall adhere to nuisance regulations per KRS 189.020 and local nuisance ordinances to minimize disturbances to the public during their operation. This can include, and is not limited to, restrictions on collection times, maximum noise levels, and prevention of leakage and odors.
(G) Occupational safety and health regulations. Commercial waste hauling vehicles shall be operated by duly licensed drivers meeting all requirements noted in 601 KAR 1.005 Safety administrative regulation. All permitted waste haulers shall provide the minimum safety standards as required under federal OSHA regulations.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
All municipal solid waste, including bulky waste, industrial waste, and CD&D shall be disposed of within a sanitary landfill or a transfer station having a valid permit issued by the Cabinet in compliance with KRS 224.40-305, 224.40-100, and 224.40-315 and a permit issued by the governing body upon compliance with §§ 50.130 et seq.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Open burning of municipal solid waste, construction and demolition debris, hazardous waste, or bulky waste is prohibited pursuant to KOC 05-320-315, 401 KAR 51:010, KRS chapters 149, 150, and 227, other laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky or the federal government or local ordinances.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Burning of paper, woody, or dry green waste is prohibited while a regional or countywide burn ban is in effect with specific exceptions as cited within Chapter 92 of this code.
(A) All burning is prohibited in the governing body annually from May 1 through September 30 with exceptions per Chapter 92 of this code.
(B) The governing body shall adhere to KRS 149.400(1) Fire Hazard Seasons which mandates that no person shall set fire to, or procure another to set fire to, any flammable material capable of spreading fire, located in or within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland, except between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., prevailing local time, or when the ground is covered with snow. These annual periods are February 15 through April 30 and October 1 through December 15.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)