The following standards, requirements and criteria shall be included, used, and/or satisfied within all road encroachment permits (temporary and permanent) and associated plans, and details.
(A) Best management practices (BMPs). Unless otherwise noted in this subchapter, where temporary or permanent BMPs are planned or implemented, they shall comply with the requirements outlined in the latest edition of the Kentucky Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Guide and the Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual for Controlling Erosion, Sediment, and Pollutant Runoff from Construction Sites as published by the Kentucky Transportation Center and Kentucky Division of Water. This shall also include related documents published and distributed by the county with regards to best Management practices (BMPs). BMPs designed to other standards or requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the county.
(B) Roadside ditch drainage culvert. A culvert or other method of drainage shall be installed, unless the county determines that no culvert or other method of drainage is necessary. If a culvert or other method for drainage is required, it shall be sized to satisfy the design storms outlined in the county's post-construction stormwater ordinance set forth in Chapter 154 of this Code, but shall be sized no smaller than a 15-inch diameter culvert, 20-feet long. The type and material of the culvert shall be corrugated, smooth interior, high-density polyethylene (HOPE) pipe or equivalent material as approved by the County Engineer.
(C) Sight-distance requirements. The county shall not issue a road encroachment permit unless the accepted sight-distance requirements can be satisfied. Sight-distance requirements shall be adopted by resolution.
(D) Location of encroachment. The location of the encroachment shall not have the potential to adversely affect any adjacent or nearby drainage structures.
(E) County engineering requirements. Any additional engineering, design, or construction standards promulgated by the county Fiscal Court. Additional county engineering requirements, other than those provided within this subchapter, shall be adopted by resolution.
(F) Temporary road encroachments. The county may issue temporary road encroachments. Temporary road encroachments are generally issued for vehicle ingress and egress associated with land-disturbing activities requiring alternative access. All temporary road encroachment permits will indicate an expiration date. The county right-of-way shall be restored to pre-existing conditions when the temporary road encroachment permit expires.
(G) Lane and road closure requirements. Lane and road closures require appropriate traffic management and signage. In general, lane and road closures will only be allowed between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on weekdays to not interfere with school and rush-hour traffic. The county may approve alternative road closures (i.e., weekend closures, night closures) on a case-by-case basis. Road closures require notifications as set forth in this subchapter.
(Ord. 19-340-16, passed 2-4-2020)