(A)   Since licenses issued by the county may be in the name of a corporation, it is necessary that stock ownership changes in the corporation be reported to the County ABC Administrator. The County ABC Administrator can therefore investigate the person to whom the stock is transferred in order to ascertain whether that person is precluded by statute from holding an interest in an alcoholic beverage license.
   (B)   As used herein, the word CHANGE is construed to include any change in directors or officers of the corporation, or change in ownership of stock whereby any person secures 10% of the outstanding stock. Transfer of more than 10% of the total stock shall require a new license.
   (C)   The following information will be required concerning any new director, officer or person securing any interest in an alcoholic beverage license:
      (1)   Name and address;
      (2)   Nature of interest;
      (3)   Whether or not the applicant is a citizen of the United States;
      (4)   Date of birth and Social Security Number;
      (5)   Date residence was established in the state, if a resident of the state. If a county resident, indicate when residence was established;
      (6)   Whether or not he or she has any interest in any other license or corporation or partnership holding a license under this act;
      (7)   Extent of stock ownership; and
      (8)   Whether or not he or she has any interest in any license or corporation or partnership holding a license in any other state or province.
(Ord. KOC 16-410-181, passed 5-17-2016)