(A) Stormwater management measures, also known as structural BMPs or green infrastructure BMPs, shall be used to treat, filter, infiltrate, screen, evapo-transpire, harvest or reuse stormwater runoff, or otherwise manage the stormwater runoff quality. Common examples are basins that over detain, infiltration basin or channels, rain gardens, bio-swales, dry wells, sand filters, underground storage and water quality units.
(B) As set forth in § 154.05(C) above, calculations shall be required to indicate that green infrastructure BMPs have been sized to completely capture the WQv, equivalent to the runoff volume generated from a rainfall event of 0.6 inches.
(C) For additional information on the various types of green infrastructure BMPs available to meet the water quality treatment standard requirement, reference can be made to the Green Infrastructure Design Manual developed by the Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District. Post construction green infrastructure manuals have also been produced by many other communities including Northern Kentucky SD1, the City of Radcliff, Shelby County and Bowling Green, Kentucky.
(Ord. 16-830-348, passed 8-16-2016)