For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Terms not defined in this section shall have the meaning given them in 401 KAR 63:001.
   DEBRIS PILES. Trees, limbs, tree root balls and other vegetative matter put there for the purpose of immediate disposal and originating from that parcel of land.
   FIRE TRAINING. The instruction of industrial, public and private firefighters conducted in accordance with safety standards and procedures as accepted by the State Fire Commission, State Fire Marshal or the National Wildfire Coordinating Group.
   GARBAGE. Putrescible animal and vegetable matter accumulated by a family in a residence in the course of ordinary day to day living.
   GOVERNOR DECLARED EMERGENCY. Any incident or situation declared to be an emergency by executive order of the Governor in the state pursuant to the provisions of KRS Chapters 39A to 39F.
   HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH. Paper waste material and trash, not to include garbage, cans, glass, plastic, furniture, appliances or other potentially hazardous waste materials, normally accumulated by a family in a residence in the course of ordinary day to day living.
   LAND CLEARING. Clearing of land for agricultural or residential, industrial, commercial development purposes, including the construction of roads.
   OPEN BURNING. The burning of any matter without a burn chamber approved by the State Division for Air Quality or without a stack or chimney with control devices approved by the State Division for Air Quality.
   RECOGNIZED AGRICULTURAL, SILVICULTURAL, RANGE OR WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Burning recognized by the State Department of Agriculture, the United States Department of Agriculture, the State Division of Forestry, the United States Forest Service, the State Department of Fish and Wildlife or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as necessary to promote cultivation of crops, range and forest lands, weed and understory abatement and pest control and prevention.
      (1)   Untreated wood and untreated wood products, including tree stumps (whole or chipped), felled trees, tree limbs (whole or chipped), bark, sawdust, chips, scraps, slabs, millings and shavings.
      (2)   WOOD WASTE does not include:
         (a)   Yard waste;
         (b)   Construction, renovation or demolition waste; or
         (c)   Clean lumber.
      (1)   Grass, grass clippings, bushes, shrubs and clippings of bushes and shrubs, which come from residential, commercial, retail, institutional or industrial sources as part of maintaining yards or other private or public lands.
      (2)   YARD WASTE does not include:
         (a)   Construction, renovation and demolition waste; or
         (b)   Clean lumber.
(Ord. KOC 05-320-315, passed 12-6-2005)