A person seeking a sanitary landfill permit must first establish compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Upon compliance being established, a solid waste facility permit application shall be submitted to the coordinator setting forth the following information:
(A) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be used as containment, fill, and cover on the subject property.
(B) A site plan showing the following:
(1) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, location of fill, and paved areas.
(2) All natural or historic features including, but not limited to, streams, topography, cemeteries, and endangered species habitats.
(3) Methods employed to control surface drainage, illegal dumping, odors, fires, and methane release during and after completion of operations.
(4) An operations plan which includes record keeping, reporting, containment procedures, capacity assurance, and closure procedures.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
A person seeking a construction and demolition debris landfill permit must first establish compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Upon compliance being established, a solid waste facility permit application shall be submitted to the Coordinator setting forth the following information:
(A) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be used as fill on the subject property.
(B) A site plan showing the following:
(1) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, location of fill, and paved areas.
(2) All natural or historic features including, but not limited to, streams, topography, cemeteries, and endangered species habitats.
(3) Methods employed to control surface drainage, illegal dumping, and fires.
(4) An operations plan which includes record keeping, reporting, containment procedures, capacity assurance, and closure procedures.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
A person seeking a transfer station permit must first establish compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Upon compliance being established, a solid waste facility permit application shall be submitted to the Coordinator setting forth the following information:
(A) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be disposed of on the subject property, the length of time the materials will remain on site, and the ultimate destination of said materials.
(B) A site plan showing the following:
(1) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, location of solid waste, traffic patterns, and paved areas;
(2) All natural or historic features including, but not limited to, streams, topography, cemeteries, and endangered species habitats;
(3) Methods employed to control illegal dumping, odors, and fires; and
(4) An operations plan which includes record keeping, reporting, containment procedures, capacity assurance, and closure procedures.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
A person seeking a solid waste incinerator permit must first establish compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Upon compliance being established, a solid waste facility permit application shall be submitted to the Coordinator setting forth the following information:
(A) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be incinerated, the length of time the materials and resulting waste will remain on site, and the ultimate destination of residuals.
(B) A site plan showing the following:
(1) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, location of solid waste, traffic patterns, and paved areas;
(2) All natural or historic features including, but not limited to, streams, topography, cemeteries, and endangered species habitats;
(3) Methods employed to control air pollutants, odors, and fires; and
(4) An operations plan which includes record keeping, reporting, containment procedures, and closure procedures.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
A person seeking a commercial composting facility permit must first establish compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Upon compliance being established, a solid waste facility permit application shall be submitted to the Coordinator setting forth the following information:
(A) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be disposed of on the subject property.
(B) A site plan showing the following:
(1) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, location of and method of composting, traffic patterns, and paved areas;
(2) All natural or historic features including, but not limited to, streams, topography, cemeteries, and endangered species habitats;
(3) Methods employed to control surface drainage, illegal dumping, and fires; and
(4) An operations plan which includes record keeping, reporting, containment procedures, capacity assurance, and closure procedures.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
A person seeking a hazardous waste disposal facility permit must first establish compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Upon compliance being established, a hazardous waste disposal facility permit application shall be submitted to the Coordinator setting forth the following information:
(A) Statement of the exact nature and source of the materials to be disposed of at the subject property.
(B) A site plan showing the following:
(1) The entire property, principal structures, accessory buildings, and paved areas;
(2) All natural or historic features including, but not limited to, streams, topography, cemeteries, and endangered species habitats;
(3) Methods employed to control surface drainage, illegal dumping, and fires; and
(4) An operations plan which includes record keeping, reporting, location, containment, sortation, and disposal of materials.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)