(A)   The CDDL shall be capped with at least two feet of compacted soil graded with sufficient slope to allow run-off of stormwater. Acceptable soils for use in constructing the CDDL cap include clay and silty clay as defined by the Unified Soil Classification System.
   (B)   Soil shall be conditioned to properly take to seeding. Therefore, liming and fertilizing is required as well as a thick seed cover of two legumes, one perennial grass and one annual grass.
   (C)   Lime shall be applied at a rate of two tons per acre.
   (D)   Fertilizer, 10-10-10, shall be applied at a rate of 100 pounds per acre.
   (E)   Straw mulch shall be applied at a rate of 70 bales per acre.
   (F)   Other mulching, seeding and conditioning options may be employed such as hydro seeding and use of topsoil with prior approval from the Solid Waste Coordinator.
(Ord. KOC 97-830-53, passed 9-2-1997)