90.001 Authority
90.002 Definitions
90.003 Animal control officer
90.004 Leash on dogs
90.005 Dog kennels
Vicious Animals
90.020 Ownership of vicious dog
90.021 Vicious dog defined
90.022 Injury to person trespassing; teasing dog; attempting to commit crime
90.023 Determination that animal is a vicious dog
Rabies Control
90.040 Vaccination required
90.041 Report of rabies
90.042 Impoundment of animal that has bitten or attacked
90.043 Confinement of pet after attack upon person
90.044 Confinement of pet bitten by animal suspected of having rabies
90.045 Destruction of animal required
90.060 Licensing of dogs and cats required
90.061 Application for license certificate and tag
Miscellaneous Regulations
90.075 Keeping of animals
90.076 Disturbing the peace
90.077 Stray, abandoned or unkept animals
90.078 Number of pets limited
90.079 Responsibility
90.080 Running at large prohibited
90.081 Neglect, abandonment, mistreatment of animal
90.082 Cruelty to animals
90.083 Unattended animals
90.095 Authority to impound
90.096 Notice to owner
90.097 Redemption of animal by person other than owner
90.098 Disposition of unredeemed animals
90.099 Costs
Administration and Enforcement
90.115 Enforcement; authority
90.116 Interference with enforcement
90.117 Failure to comply with a warning ticket
90.118 Record keeping requirements
90.119 Payment of fees and charges; stopping payment or issuing bad check prohibited
90.999 Penalty