§ 153.02  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BANNER SIGNS.  Signs constructed without a frame and usually made of cloth, canvas or plastic and secured with ropes or cables.
      (1)   Any structure or portion thereof, situated on private property on which lettered, figured or pictorial matter is displayed for advertising purposes, but not the name and occupation of the user of the premises, the nature of the business conducted on the premises or the products primarily sold or manufactured on the premises and having an area of 50 square feet or more.
      (2)   Any signboard carrying a message meeting this definition that also carries extraneous advertising of 50 square feet or more shall be considered a BILLBOARD.
      (3)   This definition shall not include any board, sign or surface used to display any official notices issued by a court or public duty, bulletin boards used to display announcement of meetings to be held on the premises on which such bulletin boards are located, nor shall it include real estate sign advertising for sale or rent the property upon which it stands when such sign does not exceed 50 square feet.
   FREESTANDING SIGNS.  Signs that are mounted vertically on a pedestal or base and are semi-permanently attached to its base or footing.
   OFF-SITE SIGNS.  Signs that are placed on or off the owner’s property, but that call attention to a location other than where the sign is located.
   ON-SITE SIGNS.  Signs that are placed on the owner’s property and call attention only to the property on which they are placed.
   POLITICAL SIGNS.  Signs that promote a political candidate, a political issue, or both.
   PORTABLE SIGNS.  Signs that can be freely moved about and do not require any tools or construction to install them. Usually, PORTABLE SIGNS are considered ‘A’ BOARD SIGNS.
   PROJECTING SIGNS.  Signs that are placed against a structure and project out away from the face of the structure. The sign does not have to project at a right angle to be considered a PROJECTING SIGN.
   SIGN.  Any device, which directs attention to business, commodity, service or entertainment but not including any flag, badge or insignia of any government agency, or any civic, charitable, religious, patriotic or similar organizations.
   WALL SIGNS.  Signs that are placed flat against a structure, fence or wall. Signs that are painted onto a wall, fence or structure are also considered WALL SIGNS.
(Ord. 216, passed 7-8-2002)