If any building or structure within the fire limits of the city shall have become damaged by fire, decay or any other cause, to the extent of half its value, or shall in any manner become a menace to public safety, the City Council may proceed to condemn the same and declare it to be a nuisance and order it to be immediately removed or repaired at the expense of the owner or person in possession thereof. Notice of such order of condemnation by the City Council shall be served upon the owner or person in possession of such property, if a resident of the county, and, if such owner or person in possession of such property be a nonresident of said county, then by publication of such notice in the official paper of the city for a period of three successive weeks. And if the owner or person in possession shall fail or refuse to repair or remove the same, then it shall, be removed by the city at the cost and expense of such owner or person in possession, which said cost and expense may be recovered from such owner in a civil action, brought in the name of the city.
(Ord. 28, passed 11-10-1914)