§ 30.02  DISTRICTS.
   The city shall be, and hereby is, divided into three districts, which districts shall be bounded as follows.
   (A)   First District. All territory in the city lying north of a line running east and west through the alley in Block 4, 5 and 6, projected of the original city plat of said city, shall be known and styled as the First District of said city.
   (B)   Second District. All that territory lying between a line running east and west through the alley in Blocks 4, 5 and 6, projected, of the original city plat of the city, and Arthur Street projected, shall be known and styled as the Second District of said city.
   (C)   Third District. All that territory lying south of Arthur Street projected shall be known and styled as the Third District of said city.
(Ord. 28, passed 11-10-1914)