In lieu of spreading the cost of the destruction of such weeds and grass and other deleterious matter against said property in the discretion of the City Council, said amount may be recovered in a civil action against the owner or occupant of such property.
(Ord. 212, passed 7-10-2000) Penalty, see § 92.99
The following plants and weeds shall be deemed to be noxious, dangerous and unhealthful vegetation to-wit: all species of rag weed; all species of cockle burrs; all species of tumbleweeds; all species of thistles; dandelions; plantains; sweet clover; morning glory; black mustard; and pig wee.
(Ord. 212, passed 7-10-2000) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) Each property owner of the city is responsible for the mowing of grass and vegetation on the owner’s property.
(B) Any property within the city which is overgrown with grass and vegetation shall be mowed by the city and the costs of such mowing shall be assessed against the individual property owner and the said property.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989) Penalty, see § 92.99