The law enforcement officer or health officer shall cause an account to be kept against each lot for the destruction of noxious weeds and mowed grass upon said lot as herein provided and shall certify the same to the City Finance Officer upon the completion of the work in destroying such weeds and abating said nuisance and the City Finance Officer shall thereupon certify said account showing the account, the description of the property and the owner thereof to the County Auditor who shall thereupon add such assessment as a special assessment together with the regular assessment to the County Treasurer to be collected as a municipal taxes for general purposes. Said assessment shall be subject to review and equalization the same as assessments or taxes for general purposes.
(Ord. 212, passed 7-10-2000) Penalty, see § 92.99
In lieu of spreading the cost of the destruction of such weeds and grass and other deleterious matter against said property in the discretion of the City Council, said amount may be recovered in a civil action against the owner or occupant of such property.
(Ord. 212, passed 7-10-2000) Penalty, see § 92.99