17.04.030: ACCESSORY USES:
Accessory uses customarily incident to a principal use permitted in a Residential District are permitted in such district. In addition, the uses set forth in table 1 of this section are permitted as accessory uses.
Antenna supporting structures
All R Districts1
Emergency shelters
All R Districts
Family daycare
All R Districts
Hobby farming
RE and RS Districts
Home occupations
All R Districts
Management office and private recreation, laundry, and storage facilities
Satellite receiving dish
All R Districts in rear yard or mounted on the building only
Bulletin board
All R Districts
Construction sign
All R Districts
Identification sign
All R Districts
Real estate sign
All R Districts
Swimming pool
All R Districts
Wind energy conversion systems
    1.    By special use requiring Planning Commission approval.
   A.   General Conditions:
      1.   A detached accessory building shall not be located in the front or required side yard of the primary building, or encroach upon a minimum building setback line.
      2.   Within the rear yard, a detached accessory building shall be located at least five feet (5') from any interior (side yard) lot line.
   B.   Home Occupations: An occupation, profession, or trade customarily carried on by occupants of a dwelling unit as a secondary use which is clearly incidental to the principal use of the dwelling unit for residential districts, subject to the following provisions. Home occupations permitted by right include artists, authors and composers, catering food service, computer programming, home cooking and preserving, home crafts, ironing, sewing, telephone answering and/or solicitation, tutorial service (limited to 1 student at a time), "single chair" hair salon, and home offices. The pick up of home craft or food items at the home occupation site is prohibited, and no exchange of goods, merchandise, or products shall be permitted on site.
      1.   Location: Home occupation shall be conducted only within principal structure.
      2.   Area: The maximum floor area utilized for home occupation purposes shall not exceed five hundred (500) square feet of the total floor area of the principal structure.
      3.   Employees: The home occupation shall be engaged in only by the family or person occupying the dwelling as a private residence. No person shall be employed in the home occupation other than a member of the immediate family residing on the premises.
      4.   Visibility Of Merchandise: No merchandise shall be displayed in such a manner as to be visible from off the premises.
      5.   Outdoor Storage: No outdoor storage shall be allowed in connection with any home occupation.
      6.   Maintenance Of Residential Character: No alteration of the residential character of the premises may be made.
      7.   Signs: Only one identification sign shall be permitted for each home occupation advertising its use; the sign shall be affixed to the principal building or customary accessory building and shall not exceed six (6) square feet in surface area. No illumination of any type shall be permitted.
      8.   Disturbances: No mechanical or electrical equipment or other activities shall be allowed which create a noise, dust, odor, or electrical disturbance.
      9.   Traffic And Parking: No home occupation shall generate more than ten (10) additional trips per day to and from the premises and all parking needs generated shall be accommodated by paved, off street parking which does not alter the residential character of the premises.
   C.   Signs:
      1.   One bulletin board may be erected on each street frontage of any educational religious, institutional, or similar use requiring announcement of its activities. The bulletin board shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet.
      2.   One identification sign may be erected on each perimeter street frontage of a multi-family development, manufactured home park or subdivision, single-family subdivision or permitted nonresidential use not to exceed thirty two (32) square feet of display surface area. The sign shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in height, and illumination, if any, shall be by constant light.
      3.   During the period of construction, but in no event exceeding eighteen (18) months, a sign advertising the construction of improvements on the premises may be erected on each perimeter street frontage of the development; provided, however, said sign shall not exceed two hundred ten (210) square feet of display surface area. The sign shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height, and illumination, if any, shall be by constant light. After the initial eighteen (18) month period of construction of improvements on the premises, a construction sign shall be reduced to not exceed eight feet (8') in height, and eight (8) square feet in display surface area.
      4.   Temporary real estate signs in residential areas are subject to the use conditions of use unit 23.
      5.   Signs on accessory equipment or structures, including, but not limited to, satellite dishes, air conditioners and fences, identifying the manufacturer, make and model, shall be limited to one hundred forty four (144) square inches of display surface area for each piece of equipment or structure.
   D.   Family Daycare Homes:
      1.   Must be licensed by the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
      2.   Must obtain a certificate of occupancy from the building inspector, if established after the effective date of the amendment.
      3.   A maximum of seven (7) children, including those preschool children under five (5) years of age who reside in the residence, may be cared for in the home.
      4.   No person shall be employed other than a member of the immediate family residing on the premises or a substitute caregiver as required by the standards for family daycare homes adopted by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
      5.   No signs advertising the family daycare home shall be permitted on the lot.
      6.   No exterior alterations of the dwelling or any customary accessory structure shall be made which would detract from the residential character of the structures.
      7.   No family daycare home may be located on a lot within three hundred feet (300') of another lot containing a family daycare home if any boundary of said lots abuts the same street.
      8.   State licensed family daycare homes in existence on the effective date hereof, but which would be prohibited by the spacing requirements herein, may continue as otherwise regulated herein.
   E.   Parking And Storage Of Recreational Vehicles: Other than for purposes of loading and unloading, which shall take place within a forty eight (48) hour period, recreational vehicles located in R District shall be parked or stored:
      1.   Inside a garage; or
      2.   Within a rear yard, if located at least three feet (3') from any lot line; provided, however, where said lot line abuts a public street, the recreational vehicle shall not be parked or stored closer to the street than the existing dwelling; or
      3.   Within a nonrequired side yard, if on a paved parking surface; or
      4.   Within a required side yard if the recreational vehicle is less than six feet (6') in height (excluding the height of an outboard motor or windshield) and it is screened by a six foot (6') screening fence along the lot line nearest the vehicle and extending the full length of the vehicle; or
      5.   Within the front yard, provided:
         a.   Space is not available or there is no reasonable access to either the side yard or rear yard; a fence is not deemed to prevent reasonable access;
         b.   Parking inside the garage is not possible because of the size of the garage structure;
         c.   The unit is parked perpendicular to the front lot line and on a paved parking surface;
         d.   The body of the recreational vehicle is at least twelve feet (12') from the face of the curb or traveled portion of the street, but in no instance shall any portion of the vehicle extend over a sidewalk; and
         e.   No more than one recreational vehicle is parked or stored in the front yard. A boat is considered a recreational vehicle.
In addition, the recreational vehicle cannot be used for dwelling purposes, or permanently connected to sewer lines, water lines or electricity. The vehicle shall not be used for the storage of goods, materials, equipment, other than those considered to be essential for its use as a recreational vehicle.
   F.   Antenna Supporting Structures:
      1.   Antenna supporting structures which are accessory to a residential use are permitted to be mounted on a residential dwelling or a customary accessory building; provided, that it does not exceed sixty five feet (65') in height measured from the average ground elevation at the residential dwelling to the highest horizontal point of the antenna supporting structure and that the surface area of all such mounted antennas shall not exceed ten (10) square feet; only one side having the largest surface area is to be calculated. These provisions do not apply to principal use antennas supporting structures or to antennas which are accessory to uses requiring Planning Commission approval.
      2.   Structures other than a dwelling or customary accessory building which are used to support accessory antennas (including guylines) shall:
         a.   Be located in the rear yard only, and be limited to one such structure;
         b.   Not exceed sixty five feet (65') in height, measured from the average ground elevation at the residential dwelling to the highest point of the antenna and antenna supporting structure;
         c.   Not encroach upon the land or airspace of any abutting property; and
         d.   Not exceed twenty four inches (24") in width above twenty five feet (25') in height, exclusive of guylines.
   G.   Hobby Farming:
      1.   Hobby farming within Residential Districts shall be restricted to poultry, specifically chicken breeds.
      2.   Poultry kept in Residential Districts shall not exceed the maximum allowable count of four (4) animals. With the exception of two (2) permitted pets, all animals on property shall count toward maximum. Poultry must be kept under the following conditions:
         a.   The fowl must be kept in a building at night which at its nearest point is no closer than forty feet (40') to any adjoining residence. If such separation is impossible on the property then hobby farming shall not be allowable; and
         b.   Such structure shall be of an easily cleanable construction, and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, inoffensive or nondangerous to the public health by routine cleaning and/or proper disposal of the droppings; and
         c.   The outside openings of the structure shall be screened to prevent the spread of disease by flies or vermin; and
         d.   Roosters are not permitted.
      3.   Any property containing poultry shall be built to contain the fowl within the rear yard.
      4.   This accessory use is subject to rescission for an individual property if such use is deemed detrimental to public health or safety by the City Code enforcement or City administration. (Ord. 2100, 2017: Ord. 2087, 2016: Ord. 2069, 2015: Ord. 1953, 2010)