14.04.040: ENFORCEMENT:
For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the regulations in this title, full police authority is given to the chief of the fire department. To assist in the enforcement of such provisions, the chief of the fire department is authorized to appoint additional persons or to designate additional employees of the city to perform such duties of enforcement. Any employees of the city who are directed to enforce the provisions of these regulations shall have full authority to cause such provisions to be enforced and shall have all power and authority imposed by law upon peace and health officers. Accurate information shall be furnished by the superintendent or other person in charge of the lease to the chief of the fire department, or any of his authorized representatives, concerning all drilling operations, depths of wells, character of equipment, or any other information which may be required for the proper inspection or regulation of all wells, equipment or appurtenances thereto. (Ord. 1369 § 2D, 1979)