The Council of the City finds and determines as follows:
   A.   The sanitary sewage system of the City is a public utility and requires considerable outlay of funds for maintenance and operation; such outlay is a recurring expense to the City.
   B.   The cost of maintenance and operation of the sanitary sewage system has been borne by the proceeds received from the operation of other public utilities and other sources of income other than from the sanitary sewage system.
   C.   Cities in the State of Oklahoma have such authority as is granted by the Legislature of the State as the same relates to the raising of funds with which to furnish services to their citizens.
   D.   The sanitary sewage system of the City should bear its proportionate share of the cost of administration of the City, as well as the cost of its own operation, and a reasonable profit.
   E.   Under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, all monies received by public utilities must be paid into the General Fund of the City and spent under budgets. (Ord. 1977, 2011)