The directors shall make on or before July 31 in each year an annual report to the city council, stating the following:
   A.   The condition of its trust on June 30 of that year;
   B.   The various sums of money received from the library fund and other sources, and how such monies have been expended and for what purposes;
   C.   The number of books and periodicals on hand;
   D.   The number of books and periodicals added by purchase, gift or otherwise during the year;
   E.   The number of lost or missing books and periodicals;
   F.   The number of persons making use of the library during the year;
   G.   The number of books loaned out; and
   H.   The general character and kind of such books with such other statistics, information and suggestions as they may deem of general interest. (2015 Code § 11-207; amd. 2016 Code)