In time of normal county operations, powers and duties of the Board of County Commissioners pertaining to emergency management shall be:
   (A)   Maintaining general supervision over the planning and administration for the Department of Emergency Management;
   (B)   Adopting the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;
   (C)   Coordinating emergency management activities consistent with the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;
   (D)   Making assignments of county personnel to emergency management activities consistent with the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;
   (E)   Making assignments of county personnel to emergency management duties in order to meet situations not covered in the normal duties and powers of such agencies consistent with the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;
   (F)   Taking all necessary action in coordination with the Department of Emergency Management to conduct tests of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan; and
   (G)   Educating themselves as to their responsibilities under the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
(Ord. 2017-3, passed 6-20-2017)